Just In
for Power of the Ocean

6/9/2005 c1 6LaLa-the-Panda
SWEET! the sequel up already! Gah! who is this whore of a pirate? lmao... How come i have a feeling it might be Ana Maria (that's that one girl's name right?). It would make sense since Jack owes her a ship... oh well! cliff hanger! dont leaves us hanging! lmao! update as soon as you can!

6/9/2005 c1 Dawnie-7
"Kill pirates… as long as they are not Jack."

That's the motto!

Whoa! That was intense. Great action. Can't wait for more. But who's the lady?
6/9/2005 c1 Miya Sparrow
o I wonder what that's about. its really cool, and please your doing so well!
6/9/2005 c1 6Pickledishkiller
Baht vhe lahv you!
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