Just In
for Power of the Ocean

5/26/2007 c34 6JainaZekk621
this was great! I can't wait for you to continue!
4/13/2007 c33 Steely Phil Gordon
Yay Roland! You're not really evil! I was a little worried there for a moment...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that Astrid doesn't die. It would sort of... ruin the story, I think.

Sigh. A good question is how are Astrid's other romantic interests holding up? Poor Adam and Bennett. How are they surviving? And Will and Elizabeth, for that matter.
4/9/2007 c33 12Dawnie7
Whoa whoa whoa! My head is seriously swiming. I don't even know where to begin, so I'm not. Instead, I leave you with this: UPDATE SOON!
4/8/2007 c33 6Captain Cougar
i hate you *gives mad glare, then cracks into a grin* lol, i luv this story, and this chapy was awesome, but the cliffies? how do you put more than one cliffy at the end of the chapy and get away with it? argh, update soon!

~Jack Sparrow's Pirate Chick~
4/8/2007 c33 5lastpirate
Yay for the update.

Good on Roland, knew he couldn't be evil. And TWO shots fired? Hmm...
4/7/2007 c33 6JainaZekk621
whats going to happen to astrid? plz continue!
4/7/2007 c33 8xtotallyatpeacex
Yay for updates! Hah, I knew Roland wasn't really evil. Although it was kinda weird how her crew started to obey him and everything. Tsk tsk Cord's such a rebel. She should have just stayed at home and played with her dollies. Anyways, good job, hope you update again soon! :D
3/23/2007 c32 6Captain Cougar
great story, update soon, i do miss Adam, i guess i can wait, damn Astrid sure does get mixed up with the hot guys (except the captain and Griffith, well horny guys too.)to mix things up i think it would be intesting to have Jack an them run into a British man-of-war and one of the people on board be...Stephen! tsk, tsk what would he think of Astrid now?

~Jack Sparrow's Pirate Chick~
3/9/2007 c32 12Dawnie7
Yeah, I do suppose Pirat and Vampire would have pushed it a bit over the edge, but it was fun for the one chapter.

I just about teared up with the story of Jack being worried for her! So sweet. I love how you making things gradually come around, much more realalistic.

Right on Astrid! She's becoming quite the pirate. Jack should be proud. And the part at the end, her getting to raise the flag, you could just feel the honor!
2/27/2007 c32 Charlotte
About the whole mixing the vampire and pirate thing, have you ever read a book called the Vampirates?


Its by Justin Somper and its really good :)

And well done with this chapter, I thought the whole atmosphere and characterisations of the french navy were accurate!

2/21/2007 c32 5lastpirate
glad to hear Roland will be comnig back soon. i like the diversity on the ship.

update soon!
2/20/2007 c32 Kris
yay! you got the next one out! ^^

I almost thought you'd left us haha.

As for Jack being an asshole, he's not really being one, and he might have been a little more caring, but having Cord already along, if I was him I'd be wondering when the third unknown/forgotten daughter was going to show up.

And the vampire thing, interesting twist, but kinda meaningless ^^;;

either way, I love the idea in your story :)

keep it up ;)
2/19/2007 c32 6Tarantella
Love the 'Froggies' and 'Dons' nickname things. I'm glad she's not a vampire. That would Just no. So thank you. I have high doubts that they're just 'Frenchmen with a taste for blood' however. The supernatural has a stronger attraction to Sparrows than cannibals, though they do tend to worship them :D

I like Corde and Tom. But now there are so many possibilities for feelings. Tom, Roland (not likely), Adam, etc. Astrid's quite the charmer.

I love the diversity in this. Usually it's just British everywhere. You're more realistic. I am definitely following this story to the end (hopefully in the very very distant future).

Finally...there's a chapter dedicated to me? SERIOUSLY! Oh man what did I do to deserve that? Well that makes my day...night...evening! No, it makes my week! THANK YOU! IT'S SUCH AN HONOR!

UPDATE MA CHERIE! J'attends plus!
2/19/2007 c32 TooOldForThis1993
5 years of adventuring? AWESOME! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)!

And Roland, i can't wait for him to come back! I wonder what Adam will think if he knew what went on in this chapter...*evil grin*

I love these long chapters! And I love the crew diversity! And the plan in this chapter was awesome...but how old is Cord? Like 10? She has some serious guts! :)

And Astrid, Ensign at last :)

Please update soon! With a long chapter! Cause long chapters rule!

All chapter of this story rule!
2/18/2007 c32 Steely Phil Gordon
At last! An update! It figures that if anyone in Jack's crew would get hurt, it would be Tom. Silly boy!

Sigh. Poor Adam. He's been forgotten in this whole mess, hasn't he? And what about Bennett? Do the two work together now?
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