Just In
for The Dare

11/8/2020 c8 Sokeefe54335
You also might want to rate this chapter T
11/8/2020 c8 Sokeefe54335
7/21/2014 c14 thorn
12/2/2010 c21 10StarrCat
Fantastic job ! You have so much wit! This was an amazing read!
3/1/2010 c21 krisV
i love this story its so organal
1/1/2010 c21 6Fern Paquette
aww. this is so sweet! I love it. ^_^

good job. :D
4/11/2008 c21 lkghkjdhgld
Wow, well done! Perfect ending!
1/25/2008 c21 1Skyline Romance
harry always was an insightful bastard. I liked this alot! thanks
11/22/2007 c21 greenbluegreen
Great Story! Loved it...especially the end where Ginny gives the last dare...WONDERFULLY MADE!
8/4/2007 c21 m-girls
sweet story... keep writing!
5/7/2007 c21 2mysinisterblackrose
gmogomgmogomgmogom so cute! they kissed awe
4/22/2007 c21 5Silverblade11
THANKYOU! I was waiting for that!
4/22/2007 c19 Silverblade11
OMG! I knew it! I love this story. Unfortunatly the chapters are so short!
4/22/2007 c18 Silverblade11
4/22/2007 c17 Silverblade11
It doesn't seem edited. There were alot of mistakes. Like the scentence "Tears was rooling down Ginny's cheeks." It should have been "Tears were rolling down Ginny's cheeks." Other than that it was prety good.
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