Just In
for The Dare

4/22/2007 c16 5Silverblade11
Aw! It's realy cute! I really like it!
4/22/2007 c13 Silverblade11
oh god. I'm so exilerated. Can't wait to know what happens!
4/22/2007 c11 Silverblade11
Ya ur right it was realy bad. I'l just move on to the next chapter.
4/22/2007 c7 Silverblade11
I think they should have been longer. This is going to be really funny.
4/22/2007 c5 Silverblade11
I didn't get the wresting thing but this story is really good! Keep writing!
4/22/2007 c2 Silverblade11
Realy cute! I loved it! I can't wait to see what happens with them in detention.
1/20/2007 c21 2sandybeach6th
Wow! That's really good! Oh my gosh, I love it! You've really done an amazing job with your story!
11/7/2006 c21 17rent-serenity
Very amazing and lovely story! I love all their dares and everything was very entertaining. :) Brilliant job.

9/8/2006 c21 1Queen of Night
really good story.. liked it a lot!
8/10/2006 c1 Da'Countess
i love it it was great in a first chapter kind of thing
7/13/2006 c21 6mmluvsu
7/13/2006 c1 mmluvsu
cute! you should read some of my stories if u like ginny adn draco!
6/10/2006 c21 1Mysterious Grey
Great story! I loved it!

6/3/2006 c17 10StarrCat
Such a great story!
4/30/2006 c1 karma11
this story ios great!
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