Just In
for The Dare

7/19/2005 c3 2Cassandra J Weasley
I like long chapters.

Wow, this story is pretty good so far!

I can't wait to read more!

The only thing I noticed was some grammatical errors.

But otherwise it's good.
7/17/2005 c2 16MyRealNameIsHRH
Oh that was so cute! He he you have to update really fast coz I want you to! Please! I loved it when they got the detention he he he he I think you should be cackling evilly right about NOW!
6/28/2005 c1 13Vio Lenz
uteness! PLease continue! It's so darling! Did you know theat Ron has Blue eyes? Just thought you might want to know.
6/20/2005 c1 2BlueBerriRain
CUTE! please update!
6/20/2005 c1 idatemistakes2008
I liked this chappie! Update REAL soon.

6/20/2005 c1 1dragonlayer
Oh yeah. Good! You should deffenetely make another chapter. Ireally liked that one so I hope it's soon.
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