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for Spring Of Drowned Cat with Bald Spot

4/18/2017 c1 mark
Luna, Artemis and Diana are all from a world called Mau.
4/16/2016 c1 Layla
Am I the only one who wants Ranma to be Artemis?
8/9/2013 c1 shadowfan999
please update this fic with a new chapter i cant wait to see what happens next
1/26/2006 c1 5Sunny Duck
Sounds like an interesting concept...
9/18/2005 c1 9TheCentauress
Make it LUNA that created the spring! Imagine the reaction that Usagi has when 'Luna' gets hit with hot water... "WAH! I cant believe I'm getting hot and bothered about my female cat!" ...or the first time Artie hits on 'Luna' and 'she' HITS back... "Look at all the flying meeces... Damn, when did Luna get that mallet?"
7/14/2005 c1 4Choas Babe
Oh, Luna. Please make it Luna. Ranma drowned in the Spring of Drowned Luna. A girl cat.
7/12/2005 c1 3Strawberry Pepper
ranma, cursed to be a cat has been done before.

but not many people have gone very far with their stories.

please continue.

till next...
7/9/2005 c1 1Bobboky
i hope fore more, good so far
7/8/2005 c1 51RockBane
Looks good. Which color of cat?
7/3/2005 c1 177Firehedgehog
7/2/2005 c1 121dogbertcarroll
Nice work.
7/2/2005 c1 2ranma hibiki
drowned moon animal...small furry animal...i want to thinks sailor moon cat but im not sure.

but it would sure suck if he was a moon cat! but what about the cat fist?wernt luna and artimis able to transform into humans?
7/2/2005 c1 dragon-game
Good story.

Who says there can't be a third moon cat.
7/1/2005 c1 3DarkRubberNeck
I can understand spring of drowned moon cat. But what do you mean by bald spot? LOL
7/1/2005 c1 13borg rabbit
Luna, Luna, Luna! Why? He still turns into a girl. The moon cats DO have human forms and my opinion is that its not Ranma unless 'someone' is gender confused. :)



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