Just In
for Ama no Kagerou

11/23/2005 c5 14BLunatic
I didn't like the chap when Tenten called Sakura a...Er...Bitch..Yes, I am a pro Sakura fan. But that's okay! Can you add a little more...SasuSaku? Pwease? The story's really good! Update! ^o^
10/28/2005 c5 4Cursed-Melody
I am wondering how Neji will give Sasuke to Sakura. You know I hope Neji will fall in love with her first. It would be so amusing.
9/22/2005 c5 Soul's Eclipse
Mwahah! My email was apparently backed up. I found the alert as soon as I opened my email as a NEW mail. Trust me, I checked my mail yesterday, so ff . net is seriously behind. Dang, you make a good chappie even in your suckie mood. Speaking of which, are you still in it? 'Cause I don't know what you're going to do with, ahem, 'muffinman' he your little muffie-poo? ^.~
9/22/2005 c5 3DudettRin101
Really Kewl. Update soon Please.
9/22/2005 c5 i think in pink
hello...! (okay... i'm sort of new here and this is my first ever review... hope i get it right! Yosh!) i was reading ur story and thought the storyline and the characters were great! can't wait to see some action out of the nejisakusasu relationship! please please please update soon! =P
9/21/2005 c5 2Coffee and Twinkies
whoa...I like it..update soon!
9/21/2005 c5 tt20
NEJI'S the BEST!... more nejisaku!
9/21/2005 c5 2rogue solus
I absolutely love this ficcie. Please hurry and update as soon as possible.
9/21/2005 c5 The Gandhara
M, interesting, fun at some points, but your writing is a bit bumpy. It's difficult to believe that Lee takes the fact that the baby could be Neji's so in stride. And about Naruto and Hinata, that part leaves a lot to be desired. In chapter 1 Naruto was all hopefully asking Sakura for a chance, and in chapter 2 he goes and says he likes Hinata. Not only that, in chapter 4 they're already together, and we haven't even seen Naruto asking Hinata out.

Also, you need to change line when a new characer begins talking.
9/21/2005 c5 Unknown
GO GURL GO! ^^ This sounds great so far! Post as soon as you can!
9/21/2005 c5 Swtiched accounts look for other Akatsuki Blaze
Nice one love it lots update soon!
9/21/2005 c5 Kawaii Koneko92
T-T We love you! Please feel better and continue the story too! :]
9/14/2005 c4 rogue solus
lovely... update soon.
8/26/2005 c4 emilyasia
o0o how interesting! poor sakura *gives sakura a nig hug white anime tears fall* wow does that remind me of rock lee lol well i cant wait till next chapter! update soon or else...umm...well just update to make us all happy haha till then tata
8/21/2005 c4 6Kunoichi 008
NO! Not the shrews! *cowers*

Sakura's better off just cowering in her basement at the moment . . .
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