Just In
for Ama no Kagerou

8/21/2005 c4 jellypuppy
Woah, that was intense...give me more!
8/21/2005 c4 Soul's Eclipse
Keep updating! I love reading the rest of it! Saku-san is in some DEEP trouble now! I realy want to read some more! About your story, I don't care either way if you write it, I still read it anyway! You're coming along as a fine writer! Wah! You shouldn't put my name on there! Dude, I'm SE! You've just revealed to the world that I'm a crossdressing man whose son is a lamp post whose daughter MIGHT be pregnant by and ran away with the grocer whose niece is officially cream soda whose uncle had died by stuffing himself with garbage, leaving behind a son who just HAPPENS to look, talk, and behave PERFECTLY when he's not around "those creatures that are BENT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! WAH!" (He's an alektorophobic). So there!

P.S. He's also pregnant...WITH YOUR SON! MWAHAHAHAHAH!

Alter Soul's Eclipse (AE): In case you're wondering the cause of her outburst, the answer's yes. Alas, for me, she took it away and drank it herself. So I'm the depressed one for now. Hey! Give me that! *tries to grab the bag of sugar SE is currently guzzling down* You've had enough! It was bad when you drank your own daughter's TWIN BROTHER and HIS FATHER down and threw him away! Bad SE! BAD!

SE: WAH! DON'T HURT ME! *shies away from AE's mental hand*
8/20/2005 c4 8Mauslidl
About your Lee/Temari story...

I would read anything you write! ^-^

Great chappie! Can't wait for some NejiSaku-ness.
8/20/2005 c4 3Eliv
O_O Wow. I am in love with this story! Please update son! Can't wait for the Neji x Sakura ness!
8/20/2005 c4 13little wolf blossom
Woah, awesome. i really like it, i can't wait until you update.
8/20/2005 c4 Kawaii Koneko92
8/20/2005 c4 iluvanime493
It seems like Sakura is wanted by the enemy, and is now going to be hunted by her friend. I really hope that the babie's Lee's. I like the chapter. I can't wait for the next chapter to read all NejiSaku goodness you said you would write.
8/15/2005 c3 11yume-chan29

Heh. You've just got another crazy-over-Neji/Saku-pairing reviewer on your hands.

Getting straight to the point, I'd just like to say:

AWESOME STORY and Update, Update, Update!

I wonder...What kind of insanely sadistic plot is brewing within the white-eyed genius's mind now?

Muahaha. Remember, update. Soon. Like start typing. Now.

Much xoxo,


8/12/2005 c3 1Trustshipping
wha? she picked lee over neji? girl you better go back and beg for him back! lol please continue =) need to know hoos baby it is
8/11/2005 c3 Soul's Eclipse
Who! I love it! Why aren't you taking anonymous reviewers? Just curious! Anywhoo, just update!
8/11/2005 c3 5dwango
Sorry but I am another nejixsaku fan, but your story is really good, update soon ^-^.


p.s. I know the pain a couple weeks ago I had 2 fillings too
8/4/2005 c3 Darksider415
I finally got around to reviewing. You did it again. Then again, if I didn't like it, I wouldn't have been reviewing. There is one thing, however. I thought it was "Devil's Food" not "Devil's Fudge" but I may be wrong. Well, keep up the good work.


P.S. Don't let band camp get you down. I know how it feels...
8/4/2005 c3 kurama-kawai
If your goal is to make this story addicting, you've got one reader who's really addicted already! Hell yeah! Your story is awesome! I like your writing and all are in-character. The plot is really good, you have a promising story here. I am both a SasuSaku and NejiSaku fan so anything works for me, that's one of the reasons why I read your story! Also, you update regularly! I don't have to wait too long. I get really impatient sometimes. Well, I'm really hooked and I would really like to know what's brewing on our favorite Hyuuga's (twisted?)mind. Update soon!XD
8/3/2005 c3 Kawaii Koneko92
=D YAY! Another update! I LOVE YOU! :3 Wheres the NejiSaku goodness...or at least the way, which pairing will be dominant? o.0
8/3/2005 c3 1HanazawaRyuki
great story...

and is neji gonna date sakura to make tenten jealous or something?

i'm just guessing, anyway, update soon!^^
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