Just In
for Summer Lovin'

9/20/2022 c2 14Clinio
Yes, I know it's a massive cliché. But I'd love for them to see Star Wars.
11/18/2019 c7 Clinio
Lavander was a sinple girl who loved a boy. She had courage enoght to reclaim Ron. She was never afraid what peolple were thinking about for. She wasnt a bad girl, but only, Ron's heart was always Hermione's.
8/19/2019 c1 Guest
Bro, I haven't read this in twelve years. THROWBACK TUESDAY
3/2/2019 c24 Guest
Poo bums
10/17/2018 c7 sofiaedwardsxoxo
OMG i loved it! make ron and hermione kiss already!
Make it a really nice relaxed calm sexy place, it would be perfect!
11/25/2017 c25 torrent56
I am sorry but this chapter feels really OOC for me. I found it really hard to believe Hermione who stopped Ron from underage drinking at the age of 16 would now be OK to lie to Molly about having sex? Even Ron in canon isn't someone who is comfortable with these kind of things - witness his thoughts about scarlet woman as an example.

You also didn't give a reason as to why they couldn't be married first if they wish to go that far? It's a far bigger deal in the wizarding world than the western sex-driven muggle world.
10/27/2017 c13 torrent56
You have some great ideas for this story and it’s good to see them in such a different setting that is only implied in the actual books. However, I find some of your character actions to be a bit inconsistent with canon. For instance, why would Hermione, who never really cared much for her looks in canon, would use make-up every single day or fuss so much over how she is dressed? That just makes her feel a lot more superficial about her physical than she actually is.
1/24/2017 c1 HarryPotterFan
Love it so far! Keep up the great work! You are a great author!
1/24/2017 c12 Guest
You know Romeo and Juliet die?
9/12/2016 c16 Guest
It's love u nut job.
9/12/2016 c15 NerdGirlLol
If big ol' stupid voldy is dead for good, wouldn't fred b dead as well?
3/22/2016 c8 Guest
3/21/2016 c2 HahaChloChlo
Why are the names food?
7/17/2012 c20 Guest
Hey I have to say this now. You are like the biggest Harry Potter Writer I've seen so far on this site, and also, your like the SprouseGoose of Harry Potter. (Big suite life on Deck/Zack and Cody writer) This story and can't wait to read all about the sequels
6/30/2012 c25 Guest
It's too boring
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