Just In
for Nothing Last's Forever

9/22/2021 c7 Makanfried
Please update i want to know what will happen next
11/14/2019 c7 Olive Beamfly
You are a great writer! You should continue with the fix
12/14/2017 c7 Vasundhara
I want you to continue with the story :p
2/22/2017 c7 Abraham
U have to update it it is sweetest tyhil fanfiction I have ever read
2/22/2017 c5 Abraham
This is my favourite chapter
2/22/2017 c4 Abraham
Awe this is the saddest chapter
2/22/2017 c3 Abraham
This chapter is so sweet!
2/22/2017 c2 Abraham
Really good chapter
3/30/2012 c7 1Diamondstar the Seeker
Hey, how many chapters are you making because I want to know what happens next, oh, your forgiven, I am a TyKa fan, too. Here are two japens words, I know, their Baka and Teme, Baka means indot, and Teme means baster, or what you call a guy for hitting you. Sorry, my spelling alittle off.
8/22/2011 c7 7starsfallinnginthenight
i loved it please keep going on your leaving me in suspense
3/29/2010 c7 jack
please keep going
12/23/2009 c7 tyson
you need to dd more tyson and hiro moments. but other than that you are great and need to contiuon.
7/3/2009 c7 1soulsearcher360
Please continue to write this i love it! I've read lots of fic's but this is one of the best!
4/29/2009 c7 tyson
this was really good you should update
10/4/2007 c1 23Matt-the-Teddybear
Good STiry plz cotinnue and i think you were the one that wanted words in Japanesse(SOrry really bad at spelling)




That pretty much it
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