Just In
for Fortune's Fool

11/15/2021 c4 mumphie
I do hope that eventually, Harry can work through this and have a life...after getting rid of the worst Dark Lord in history, of course...
4/13/2015 c3 ToddGilliss
let's get back to the story
10/11/2014 c4 ToddGilliss
time to get back to this story
1/5/2014 c4 1Mackenzied3333
please upload, love your story
12/9/2010 c4 9Crysania Fay
I would love to see this continued. It's been far too long. ^_^
10/3/2009 c4 slashslut
dont leave me hanging like this! more, more, more!
4/9/2009 c4 ROBERT-19588
Why did Harry not DEMAND ALL of his thangs be returned!

What happend to Hedwig?

Where is Dobby?

Why did Harry not goto Gringotts and see what his parants and others left him?

I hope Harry plans on leaving the UK ASAP!
3/31/2009 c3 Crysania Fay
OMG! YOU LIVE! YAY! I couldn't believe my eyes earlier when I was checking my emails. I was like: *Blink Blink* Fortune's Fool? *Reads first chapter* FORTUNE'S FOOL! *Does happy dance* So glad to see you back and in action. Can't wait for the next chapter!
3/30/2009 c4 Phx. tears
well what're you going for? i.e. what is the theme of the story?

good job so far. you've conveyed the feelings rather well. harry sounded slightly older than 17 which is perfect. He might not have aged physically but his mind did so good job.

..did ginny just come back to life after being dead/buried in the ground for a year?..
3/28/2009 c4 Minstrel Knight
Please don't let negative criticism get to you. Though I find myself slightly disturbed that you have to resort to asking the thousands of 12 year old readers what to do with your story, clearly you have potential. Take this story as your experiment and let your imagination flow. It will only help you in the long run.
3/27/2009 c4 19Bobmin356
You should delete this.

There is nothing worse than discovering that an author has no clue where they hoped to take their story. If you don't know where it's going how the hell should we know?

Delete this and never write again until you learn the value of outlining your story first.
3/26/2009 c4 2dragyn42
I read this story for the first time today. I dont know about places you can go, it looks from the story that you already have a plan. If you, in fact, dont, that makes the writing all that much more impressive.

As it is, this is a wonderfully written story. The mystery and the betrayal are quite believable, at least what you currently have, and not the clicheic drabble that most ppl who 'just want to write an azkaban story' use.

I hope you find your way with the plot, it looks like its lurking just around the corner; it would be a shame to not continue this story.
3/26/2009 c4 1DeliaDee
Honestly, I think you probably would have an easier time with this story if you hadn't added that silly bit at the end about Ginny waking up. Of course, I've almost taken issue with that whole "soul bond" thing. I believe it belittles and makes a mockery of love. Love is too great a thing to condense and modify into something that you're forced to do (and that whole concepts does force two people to love each other - not to mention that you can't truly fall in love with someone you don't really know and, according to "The Bond" you don't even have to meet someone in order to be bonded to them).

Anyway, I really like this story a lot but I do think you should keep Ginny dead and go from there. One of the good things about Betrayed Harry is that there is so much to be done as he attempts to regain himself and his sanity. You've already done the hardest part is giving him one person he feels he can trust (Severus) and one person he very nearly trusts (Tonks) who can help him on this journey. And remember, he doesn't actually have to forgive everybody. Just reconcile himself to reality and go from there. Who he does and doesn't end up forgiving can be determined as the story progresses.
3/26/2009 c4 lola
so ehm i never read this story before, but i think it would be a pity and a shame if you would stop and never update has so much potential and i thzink it is quite good...

as to ideas where it should go...


harry should be angry with the weasleys, i like those kind of stories and eventually harry and ginny should find to each other (i dunno about ginnys part, what happened with her - i think you know better than all of us...but maybe she was hold against her will, or something like that...) and fight together... against everyone, not only voldi...

but it is up to you...

i would love to read more from you...

3/26/2009 c4 ladysavay
It took you four full chpaters (although they were very tiny really) just to tell us that Harry was unjustly accused, who he was supposed to kill and that they let him out of prison and he is very angry with them. You told us ALL of that in the summary, except what his supposed crime was.

Are you ever going to move this thing along and give us some plot or are you planning to makeit a 16 to 20 chpater angst fest first?

We get it. You told us in the summary that he was unjustly imprisoned and his betrayers are seeking forgiveness (which, by the way, anyone with a modicum of self interst, self-respect or backbone would NEVER do)how long before you actually get this story to tell us something we DON'T know and move along.

Additionally, if this is going to be one of those Saint Potter the Savior stories where he eventually forgives everyone and goes back to being Dumbles little toy, let me know now so I can just stop reading. If not, I suggest longer chapters with more plot exposition, more dialogue and a few moments of intropsection with Harry that DOES NOT include him feeling sorry, or guilty or angry, so we know how, beyond the obvious torment of Voldemort in his head and dementors, he spent his time in hell.
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