Just In
for Come Away With me

4/22/2007 c1 5Silverblade11
I didn't get it.
1/2/2006 c1 13peridotdream
aw...stupid Ginny...well, not really, but you get my drift. i loved it! it was pretty dark...poor Ginny...but really well written.

i love the way you write ginny - such a fighter, and very clever.

8/25/2005 c1 11Pussin Boots
NICE! Oh do upload soon!
8/5/2005 c1 14BSManthaLUV

I read it and I loved it. It was a good, creative plot and the dialouge was touching. You showed the torn part of Draco, and the vulnerable side all at once. So you gave his character so much depth, as for Ginny's character, you really kept her in character, and I loved how she was still witty in a dark way, it went well with the darkness of the story.

The descriptions of your characters were wonderful, and I'm going to go and read your other stories now.
8/2/2005 c1 14Alexandria J. Malfoy
i think that was sweet. well done, it was funny at the end where she was like "i need to use the loo" when he was shouting at her. lol, well done!
8/1/2005 c1 lucygirl07
I really liked this fic. Are you going to add anything to it, i hope that you do. Like a life after they escape or how they do.
8/1/2005 c1 21Vanilla Twist
This was lovely. I really enjoyed it and the realness of it. Thank you.
8/1/2005 c1 4shadieladie
an intersting view on things i know you ment it as a one time fic but i think it might do well as something a little longer, catch my drift...
8/1/2005 c1 Zubieda
Though a bit harsh, the story seems interesting. Please continue i am curious to know where this goes. Oh, keep an eye out for spelling and grammer.

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