Just In
for Dearly Beloved

1/4/2006 c5 SparklingTopazEyes
Great story! I love it! Update!
9/14/2005 c5 4RangeMan
please post chapter six i loved chapte1-5 great job
9/14/2005 c5 7Ronata
awesome story, chapter 6 now please
9/13/2005 c5 2Rory Danes
i like keep going
9/12/2005 c5 9Mrs. Lucas McDreamy
update soon
8/28/2005 c1 Sarah
I like this story but I don't think lorelai would go up to some random guy (luke) and start making out with him even if she didn't want to be with chris. Other than that though this is a great story.
8/28/2005 c4 nicole
i really like this story, it was kinda weird for lorelai to kiss luke right in the street without talking to him first. But otherwise it was great.
8/28/2005 c4 5JavaJunkies4eva99
Good job definatly keep going I love reading about luke and lorelai when they were younger!
8/28/2005 c4 18ProFfeSseR
I'm here, in my room, on my desk chair ;) Just so you know :D Great chapter, I really like Mia ;) Well, who doesn't, right?
8/27/2005 c4 JavaJunkiE006
omg! you have to continue soon!
8/27/2005 c4 LukeNlorelaifan
Great chapter! Update soon!
8/27/2005 c4 Guest
update soon!
8/27/2005 c4 19alittlebitbails
I love it, I can't wait until the next chapter is up, I really really hope they get together soon!
8/24/2005 c3 alittlebitbails
You're good with the cliffhangers. I'm glad you liked the kudo's i gave you. If I could i would leave like 10 reviews so you would update faster, because I can't wait to see Luke's reaction to the whole Lorelai being pregnant thing.

8/24/2005 c3 18ProFfeSseR
Great story. I can see her running down the street in that wedding dress, leaving Chris alone who was cheating on her on her wedding day (basterd) and going to Stars Hallow, kissing Luke in the middle of the street. Brilliant idea and I can't wait to read more!
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