Just In
for Behind Every Great Man

8/31/2021 c62 Guest
Just amazing
I have no words to say for this story
It is too good to be explained
3/26/2021 c60 Meyra93
One of the best I've read!
9/27/2020 c62 MinervaTheTabby
Awwwww i LOVE this fix!
9/9/2020 c62 MMAD Lover
I couldn’t stop reading, I just couldn’t. This story is so... unique, so good, so different from all the other MMAD/Minerva-centric stories I’ve read. Thank you for writing this!
7/21/2020 c62 Korvust
Oh my god AMUSE not ABUSE
7/21/2020 c62 Korvust
Dumbles never fails to abuse me :D
7/21/2020 c47 Korvust
This is heartbreaking to read, oh my god...
6/20/2020 c62 Sarah
Sorry for not reviewing every chapter but I just got totally swept up in this amazing story - have you considered making this into a downloadable pdf so it ca be read offline? I hope that if you do you will let us all know as this story was epic! Keep up the awesome work! 3
4/3/2020 c62 13PiER
Wow. Don’t know how this one escaped my notice for so long but boy am I glad I finally found it! Loved every sentence. The memories and slow progression. Azkaban! Omg! Just lost for words. Great. Greatness. Thank you.
7/7/2019 c62 Guest
This, by far and away, is the best fan fiction I have ever read. I come back on occasion to reread, because the plot is amazing, the characters stay in character, the theme is consistent and there's a Rowling-like level of tension and flow. Thank you for this work.
6/18/2019 c62 ALWAYSL0VEG00D
Hi there, I must admit this was the first MM/AD fic I have ever read and just realized I never reviewed. I've read a lot more since then and I still count your story among my favourite five. It is well written, intelligent, emotional and definitely a page-turner.

I absolutely love the format you have chosen to tell the past and also have multiple characters reaction, more or less insights and emotions to the newly learned. It depicts the life with all its turning points of Minerva extremely well. I'm a big fan of your description of her school days and how she bonds with Albus in the first place. Also her relationship to Riddle seems like a thing that makes sense. The result from that made my son tough. The twists are just brilliant and had me in suspense.

It was a dramatic, intelligent and brave (life) story about an amazing character with the faintest hint of fluff. Kind of makes me wanna read it again.

Thank you for sharing and completing it. Take care x
11/25/2018 c62 40cyndaquilka
I've read it all in one go. Thanks for the adventure!
8/26/2018 c62 Guest
I read the whole story at the same time, it was so wonderful I could not stop reading. You are an amazing writer.
5/1/2018 c62 silverAbby93
Binge-read this for almost 2 straight hours! This is undoubtedly one of the best Minerva-centric, MMAD fanfic I have ever had the luck to find. One of my fave parts is how caring, tender, and protective our two Marauders of Minerva (and though subtlely, even Severus!). I just love this to pieces. Is it too much for me to anticipate a sequel?
4/24/2018 c62 PlainOlWriter
I actually finished this OMG I started at 12AM now its 2 almost 3 HAHAHHAA I LOVE IT GRATS ON FINISHING IT IT WAS VERY LOVELY
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