Just In
for The Blue Mask

6/21/2006 c1 12the laughing hermit
They should not have killed Archie. He was awesome.
4/25/2006 c2 56Old Fiat
Very good. Are you going to make is so mr kennedy does not die? Much better twist than those stupid tv writers... killing the best character... honestly, anyway. Update! I like reading your fiction. I love short chapters! they keep my attention so keep going like you are now and I'll be very very happy!

-old fiat-

-drive/buy fiat-
11/3/2005 c2 goof
PLEASE UPDATE! There's a real shortage of GOOD hornblower fics out there and I think yours might be one of these. Please dont stop and never continue!
10/6/2005 c1 1childoftheorient
You used Tolkein! yay - u rock 4eva. did u write that poem or is it by someone else? its v.good. x
8/28/2005 c2 11Lozzie
a very good start. you write very well. i am intrigued as to where you will go with this.

i too am writing a story set after Retribution. It seems such an open ending to many things. We never see Archie's funeral or anything. It leaves things rather open to...interpretation shall we call it? Or in my case, take one throw away line from Retribution and twist the rest of the Hornblower Saga...great fun!
8/28/2005 c2 5ellennar
Macs are evil! Since I just spent a month house sitting for my Dad who has nothing but mac's I can sympathize. Update when you can and keep up the good work!
8/27/2005 c2 9Apollo's Lady
Anyone who brings back Archie, is my kind of author. I will patiently await MORE!
8/23/2005 c1 5ellennar
Nice beginning. Do we get some more?
8/19/2005 c1 56Old Fiat
I love the idea but so far I'm not seeing much happen.

Kennedy was the best character ever!

-Old Fiat-

-Drive Fiat-
8/18/2005 c1 1Sarita04
Hi there, found your story, and I'd like to know what happens next! update?

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