12/31/2005 c2 Snarky B
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12/29/2005 c18
5Violet Spark
Ah, finally! Another chapter! Been waiting for AGES! Heheh... but then again, I shouldn't talk. Ahem. Yes, moving on.
Another fantabulous edition-and an extra long one, too! The fluff in there was just right, balanced with all the gory bits. Nice. And OMG... Severus in a two-piece... *dies of laughter.* Brilliance, dear. Sheer brilliance. I bow down to your genius *curtsies.*
Charlie with bedhead... hm... I like that image!
Can't wait for the next!

Ah, finally! Another chapter! Been waiting for AGES! Heheh... but then again, I shouldn't talk. Ahem. Yes, moving on.
Another fantabulous edition-and an extra long one, too! The fluff in there was just right, balanced with all the gory bits. Nice. And OMG... Severus in a two-piece... *dies of laughter.* Brilliance, dear. Sheer brilliance. I bow down to your genius *curtsies.*
Charlie with bedhead... hm... I like that image!
Can't wait for the next!
9/8/2005 c17 VioletAshkevron
Wow, what a chapter! Gore, alcohol, and nicknames, oh my!
Touching scene with Harry and Ginny... well, after he was done retching, that is.
Yay! Welsh Green, my fave! *snuggles stuffed dragon*
I feel so special... inspiring a chapter! *grins* Happiness! Oh, you just made a terrible day quite a bit better, dear! Thank you.
Wow, what a chapter! Gore, alcohol, and nicknames, oh my!
Touching scene with Harry and Ginny... well, after he was done retching, that is.
Yay! Welsh Green, my fave! *snuggles stuffed dragon*
I feel so special... inspiring a chapter! *grins* Happiness! Oh, you just made a terrible day quite a bit better, dear! Thank you.
9/5/2005 c16 Vi
Damn! Not another Lestrange!
Great chapter, MB, packed with even more questions... who was the boy? Who was the "shaggy companion" (my guess is a werewolf-perhaps Fenrir?)? And WHO attacked Remmy-love?
Can't wait for the next!
Damn! Not another Lestrange!
Great chapter, MB, packed with even more questions... who was the boy? Who was the "shaggy companion" (my guess is a werewolf-perhaps Fenrir?)? And WHO attacked Remmy-love?
Can't wait for the next!
8/29/2005 c13
5Violet Spark
Ah, nothing I like more than a cheeky Harry... *grins*
Another great chapter! And, aww... Aims and the Dragon Dude... heheh... how cute.
As to Donovan... I say Ravenclaw. Just seems to fit. He's not quite Slytherin material as is, but for some reason it just seems to me that it would be easier for a Ravenclaw to turn dark... and for yet another inexplicable reason, he seems like the kind of kid to go dark... hm...
Now, for the sequel... uh, I'll get back to you. I suck at naming things-I'm serious.
Sirius: no, I am!
Me: you're also dead.
Sirius: oh. In that case! wo... I am the scary ghost of the wrongfully imprisoned Sirius Black... fear me... wo...
Me: *yawn* Again, great chapter!
Sirius: *pouts* I'm not scary?
Me: aww, of course you are, Siri... go haunt Draco.
Sirius: *grins* okiedokie!
Salud! (heheh... la locura es muy divertido...)

Ah, nothing I like more than a cheeky Harry... *grins*
Another great chapter! And, aww... Aims and the Dragon Dude... heheh... how cute.
As to Donovan... I say Ravenclaw. Just seems to fit. He's not quite Slytherin material as is, but for some reason it just seems to me that it would be easier for a Ravenclaw to turn dark... and for yet another inexplicable reason, he seems like the kind of kid to go dark... hm...
Now, for the sequel... uh, I'll get back to you. I suck at naming things-I'm serious.
Sirius: no, I am!
Me: you're also dead.
Sirius: oh. In that case! wo... I am the scary ghost of the wrongfully imprisoned Sirius Black... fear me... wo...
Me: *yawn* Again, great chapter!
Sirius: *pouts* I'm not scary?
Me: aww, of course you are, Siri... go haunt Draco.
Sirius: *grins* okiedokie!
Salud! (heheh... la locura es muy divertido...)
8/29/2005 c12 Violet Spark
My, you've packed everything plus the kitchen sink into this chapter, dear!
First of all... heheheh... stripping for Loony... *winks*
Draco: I hate you.
Me: *serenely* I know, love.
Ooh... the watch... was it Snape? Did he save ickle Harrykins again (I mean, in the very beginning)?
And w00t! dum-da-da-dum! Charlie to the rescue!
By the way, if you hurt ONE HAIR on George's head, I'll be forced to Bat-Bogey you.
Draco: *shudders* It's not pleasant... I would take her seriously, if I were you, you silly M-
Harry: DIE! Erm... I mean... now, that's not very polite, Drakey-poo.
Draco: go make out with a mirror, Crackpot...
Harry: only Peeves is allowed to call me Crackpot! Now you DIE!
Love the Batman reference-but I've got to go, or Draco's really gonna-HARRY, PUT THAT DOWN THIS INSTANT!
My, you've packed everything plus the kitchen sink into this chapter, dear!
First of all... heheheh... stripping for Loony... *winks*
Draco: I hate you.
Me: *serenely* I know, love.
Ooh... the watch... was it Snape? Did he save ickle Harrykins again (I mean, in the very beginning)?
And w00t! dum-da-da-dum! Charlie to the rescue!
By the way, if you hurt ONE HAIR on George's head, I'll be forced to Bat-Bogey you.
Draco: *shudders* It's not pleasant... I would take her seriously, if I were you, you silly M-
Harry: DIE! Erm... I mean... now, that's not very polite, Drakey-poo.
Draco: go make out with a mirror, Crackpot...
Harry: only Peeves is allowed to call me Crackpot! Now you DIE!
Love the Batman reference-but I've got to go, or Draco's really gonna-HARRY, PUT THAT DOWN THIS INSTANT!
8/28/2005 c11 VioletAshkevron
*Sigh* Harry's gone hormonal again. You really need to see someone about that, dear... a counselor perhaps...
*Harry glares*
Meep. That's not very nice, Harry. Well, I'll forgive you for the moment...
Anyway, fantastic chapter! I had an inkling that her brother was the Overgrown Bat, but I wasn't entirely sure... but yay for plot twists! And poor Aimee! Omygosh-Charlie must save her! Dragon-man to the rescue! w00t!
hehehe... you know, on reflection I definitely can forgive you, Harry... hippogriffs, ha...
Draco: *pouts* What about me?
Me: you have to admit, the guy has style.
Harry: told you she liked me better, Drakey-poo.
Draco: shut it, Scarhead.
Me: *rolls eyes* if you can't play nicely, boys, then you shan't play at all...
*Sigh* Harry's gone hormonal again. You really need to see someone about that, dear... a counselor perhaps...
*Harry glares*
Meep. That's not very nice, Harry. Well, I'll forgive you for the moment...
Anyway, fantastic chapter! I had an inkling that her brother was the Overgrown Bat, but I wasn't entirely sure... but yay for plot twists! And poor Aimee! Omygosh-Charlie must save her! Dragon-man to the rescue! w00t!
hehehe... you know, on reflection I definitely can forgive you, Harry... hippogriffs, ha...
Draco: *pouts* What about me?
Me: you have to admit, the guy has style.
Harry: told you she liked me better, Drakey-poo.
Draco: shut it, Scarhead.
Me: *rolls eyes* if you can't play nicely, boys, then you shan't play at all...
8/27/2005 c10 Violet Spark
aw, that's all sad. *discreetly wipes eyes*
but yay, I'm so glad Charlie finally gets the girl! w00t! three cheers for redheaded wizards with dragon fetishes!
Harry: you know, MB, I have no clue what you're talking about. Me, do something to Draco? Why on earth would I do ANYTHING to that dear, dear, arsehole of a Slytherin?
Draco: *rubs head* ow.
Harry: *snickers* Oi, Fred! George! I found a new use for those fake wands!
Gred&Forge: heheheh...aww, poor little ferretkins
Draco: *pouts at Vi* are you going to let them get away with this?
Me: so torn... so torn... appealingly evil and absolutely gorgeous Slytherin? Mischeivous Gryffindor with amazing eyes who can't catch a break? Evil-genius twins with red hair?
*runs screaming out of the room*
Harry: erm... sorry 'bout that, MB... WAIT, VI, COME BACK! I am in such deep shit...
aw, that's all sad. *discreetly wipes eyes*
but yay, I'm so glad Charlie finally gets the girl! w00t! three cheers for redheaded wizards with dragon fetishes!
Harry: you know, MB, I have no clue what you're talking about. Me, do something to Draco? Why on earth would I do ANYTHING to that dear, dear, arsehole of a Slytherin?
Draco: *rubs head* ow.
Harry: *snickers* Oi, Fred! George! I found a new use for those fake wands!
Gred&Forge: heheheh...aww, poor little ferretkins
Draco: *pouts at Vi* are you going to let them get away with this?
Me: so torn... so torn... appealingly evil and absolutely gorgeous Slytherin? Mischeivous Gryffindor with amazing eyes who can't catch a break? Evil-genius twins with red hair?
*runs screaming out of the room*
Harry: erm... sorry 'bout that, MB... WAIT, VI, COME BACK! I am in such deep shit...
8/27/2005 c9 Violet Spark
First of all, I LOVE THAT SONG! (Two Beds and a Coffee Machine). Ah, Savage Garden, one of the most underappreciated bands ever...
Now on to the relevant reviewing! yay!
Aww, that was so sweet of Aimee to help Tonks and Remmy-dear. I hope she gets together with Charlie. *flutters eyelashes appealingly* Pretty please? They'd be so cute!
Speaking of cute (which Bill most definitely is not, poor thing), I can't wait to read the Aimee/Aiden fic! yay! Unfortunately I have to go now (damn work! gah!) so it'll have to wait... *pouts*
Cheers! And w00t, Harry's killed Moldy Voldy! part-ay!
First of all, I LOVE THAT SONG! (Two Beds and a Coffee Machine). Ah, Savage Garden, one of the most underappreciated bands ever...
Now on to the relevant reviewing! yay!
Aww, that was so sweet of Aimee to help Tonks and Remmy-dear. I hope she gets together with Charlie. *flutters eyelashes appealingly* Pretty please? They'd be so cute!
Speaking of cute (which Bill most definitely is not, poor thing), I can't wait to read the Aimee/Aiden fic! yay! Unfortunately I have to go now (damn work! gah!) so it'll have to wait... *pouts*
Cheers! And w00t, Harry's killed Moldy Voldy! part-ay!
8/26/2005 c8 Violet Spark
Yet another lovely chapter! Is Draco pretending to be Snape again? Honestly, that boy... *shakes head incredulously* *Draco pouts* Oy. What is it with these Potterdom boys and pouting? So... damned... adorable... can't... stay... mad... GAH! *Draco grins*
Draco: I win!
Harry: hey, I'm her muse! I win!
Draco: no!
Harry: yes!
Draco: no!
Harry: yes!
Harry and Draco: *crickets*
Harry: she's somewhat frightening when she has a headache
Draco: tell me about it...
Anywho, sorry 'bout that... damned muses... gr. Great chapter! Aww, Remus and Aimee are so cute... but what did her brother do? heheheh, and I can't wait for the driving lesson... ooh, the insanity...
Yet another lovely chapter! Is Draco pretending to be Snape again? Honestly, that boy... *shakes head incredulously* *Draco pouts* Oy. What is it with these Potterdom boys and pouting? So... damned... adorable... can't... stay... mad... GAH! *Draco grins*
Draco: I win!
Harry: hey, I'm her muse! I win!
Draco: no!
Harry: yes!
Draco: no!
Harry: yes!
Harry and Draco: *crickets*
Harry: she's somewhat frightening when she has a headache
Draco: tell me about it...
Anywho, sorry 'bout that... damned muses... gr. Great chapter! Aww, Remus and Aimee are so cute... but what did her brother do? heheheh, and I can't wait for the driving lesson... ooh, the insanity...
8/23/2005 c7 VioletAshkevron
YAY! Dragons and Charlie! Melike Charlie... can I borrow him for a bit? *Harry pouts* Oh, I still like you better, Harry... but variety is the spice of life!
Great chappie! I'm so glad Aimee's got another ally, and I do adore Charlie tons... one of the few Weasleys I can stand!
So, Harrykins doesn't know how to drive, eh? Heheheheh... better clear the roads! For some reason it always seemed to me like he wouldn't be a very good driver... mwahaha...
Anywho, done being loco para el momento. Hasta luego!
YAY! Dragons and Charlie! Melike Charlie... can I borrow him for a bit? *Harry pouts* Oh, I still like you better, Harry... but variety is the spice of life!
Great chappie! I'm so glad Aimee's got another ally, and I do adore Charlie tons... one of the few Weasleys I can stand!
So, Harrykins doesn't know how to drive, eh? Heheheheh... better clear the roads! For some reason it always seemed to me like he wouldn't be a very good driver... mwahaha...
Anywho, done being loco para el momento. Hasta luego!
8/22/2005 c6 VioletAshkevron
Hero-boy... lol.
Lovely chapter, as usual! So, did Aimee and Remus go out or something? I'm DYING to know... jeez, I sound like the town gossip or something...
And is this story in canon? I mean, are Remus and Tonks an item now? That would get messy... *cringes*... especially since there's just oh-so-much tension betwixt Aims and dear Remmy...
Gavan's such a dear! And I laughed for ages at the thought of Harry Potter impersonating the Governator... omg... lmao.
Can't wait for your oneshot-I love the title!
Hasta luego,
Hero-boy... lol.
Lovely chapter, as usual! So, did Aimee and Remus go out or something? I'm DYING to know... jeez, I sound like the town gossip or something...
And is this story in canon? I mean, are Remus and Tonks an item now? That would get messy... *cringes*... especially since there's just oh-so-much tension betwixt Aims and dear Remmy...
Gavan's such a dear! And I laughed for ages at the thought of Harry Potter impersonating the Governator... omg... lmao.
Can't wait for your oneshot-I love the title!
Hasta luego,