Just In
for Aftermath 2 the Continued Story

2/11/2012 c26 203BubblyShell22
Wow. Such a heartfelt chapter. I can see why Leo and Raph would feel this way, but at least Splinter doesn't hate them for what they did. He's disappointed in them but doesn't feel they let him down. I loved how he spoke to them near the end. But something tells me that once they get better, they're going to be severely punished, that's for sure. Nicely done on this.

The Bubbly One,

2/11/2012 c25 BubblyShell22
What a wonderful chapter. I can see Splinter not wanting to leave his sons for any length of time. I'm glad the Daimyo came and helped the Turtles out. That was the best thing he could do. I loved it when they woke up and congratulated each other on their mission and Splinter's last little line. Just so sweet. Great job.

The Bubbly One,

2/11/2012 c24 BubblyShell22
Ah, foolish sons indeed. I really liked this chapter and how the mantra of them being foolish sons has been repeated. It really drives something home when you do that. I also liked the flashback to Raph and Splinter. That was cute and something I can see Splinter doing. I just hope his foolish sons have learned their lesson in all of this. While their motives were good, they did not think of their family. Great job, Cyn.

The Bubbly One,

2/11/2012 c20 BubblyShell22
Wow. Awesome chapter. There was so much in here that I can't name all of it. So much action and so many emotions radiating from everyone. I really liked Victor's last line in this story. It really makes sense that he wants life and not anything else. I'm really like the characterization you've given him and how human you've really made him. It's just so cool to see that. Great job on this.

The Bubbly One,

2/11/2012 c19 BubblyShell22
Great chapter. Poor Mikey! I can see him feeling this way about Splinter and not wanting to believe that his father went willingly with him. I really like that conflict you have with Mikey not wanting to believe it and then having to accept that it's true. At least April and Casey were willing to talk to him and bring him home. And now it looks like Victor is going with him. I just hope the guys don't think badly of him for that. Great job.

The Bubbly One,

2/9/2012 c18 BubblyShell22
Oooh, so they're finding some more leads. That's a good thing as it will help them track down Splinter. As for this mysterious guy, he's definitely running from Bishop, as we'll see in your sequel. Good job on this chapter.

The Bubbly One,

2/9/2012 c17 BubblyShell22
Whoa. Poor Don having that little vision. That was so sad. And it looks like Raph and Casey have a lead. Great job on this.

The Bubbly One,

2/9/2012 c16 BubblyShell22
Great chapter. I really liked the flashbacks you gave for each Turtle and how Victor has sworn not to kill them. I really like this character a lot and how human you've made him. Brilliantly written.

The Bubbly One,

2/9/2012 c15 BubblyShell22
Wow. Such an intense chapter. I liked the conversation between the Daimyo and Splinter as well as the appearance of the Daimyo's son. It was so cool to see them. And it was smart of Splinter to go with the men since he didn't want his nightmare to come true. Wonderfully written.

The Bubbly One,

2/9/2012 c14 BubblyShell22
Awesome chapter. I really enjoyed hearing about Raph hitting Hun in the groin. That's going to leave a mark. And I see that Splinter suspects what his sons are up to, though he won't interfere in their plans. I think that's smart of him to some degree, but I do feel that maybe he should still keep an eye on them in case anything happens. Great job on this.

The Bubbly One,

2/9/2012 c13 BubblyShell22
Awesome chapter. I really liked it and how Mikey explained to his family about Victor. I can understand why the Slayer would choose that name. It actually is a nice name despite the character who shares that name. And, yeah, Mikey loves his pizza. Who wouldn't? Nicely done.

The Bubbly One,

2/9/2012 c12 BubblyShell22
Wow. That was an awesome chapter. I really liked the conversation between Mikey and the Slayer. I can see why Mikey feels sorry for him. I do, too, because of what he was created to do. It's not his fault, and I think that he regrets what he's tried to do. Nicely done on this.

The Bubbly One,

2/9/2012 c11 BubblyShell22
Uh-oh. This can't be good if the Slayer is following Mikey. You know what other Oreos are good? The ones with chocolate filling in the middle. I might have some of those shortly. Nicely done on this.

The Bubbly One,

2/8/2012 c10 BubblyShell22
Oooh, nice job on this one. I like the parallels between Bishop and Victor Frankenstein. It definitely makes sense in a way since Victor pretty much rejected his creation while Bishop wants to create others for evil reasons and to destroy that which he hates. I also felt sorry for the Monster. Despite his deeds, I think he was just starving for love and felt that he couldn't have it because of Victor. Great job on this.

The Bubbly One,

2/8/2012 c9 BubblyShell22
Awesome chapter. It was nice to see Mikey at least try and read Frankenstein. I actually like that book and think it's pretty good. I had to read it for college and even did a report on it. I think Splinter suspects what Leo and Raph are up to, though he won't call them on it just yet. And Bishop is once again up to no good. I really like your writing style, Cyn. It's something I rarely see these days as I browse the front page of FF.

The Bubbly One,

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