Just In
for Bringing Up Belle

10/13/2006 c5 imeejidaiamondo
It's kinda like this movie I saw, called 3 men and a baby, but one of the guys was her dad, but didn't find out till he came back from vacation. Anyways, I like it alot, and some critisism, space out more, and use paragraphs, indentation, ect. It just makes it that much easier to read, and continue.


~ moo cow
10/27/2005 c5 112Aya Diefair
I haven't gotten around to reading this story, but I loved it! I can't wait to read more from ya, and hear from ya as well. You sort of drifted..

Great work, dear!

~Mijn Scahduw~

9/27/2005 c5 17kimi-lee22
Please Please please write more, I think it is sweet, not to mention funny, the way the "kittens" are handling "Belle". Not to mention what Farfarello said stuns us all, and not just his team mates.
9/16/2005 c5 9Kojima Ayumi
^^ No probs. I'm still alive but I'm having my exams soon. I have to get down to study. Not to mention, I still have 6X15 questions to do for History. OO;; I'm goign to die... I still have art and maths too...

Oh yeah, another comment. When a different person speak, try hopping to another paragraph. A few large clumps of words might confuse somebody, especially if they're going to be blind people. (haha...)
9/15/2005 c5 11Anendee
Nicely done, my dear! you can really feel their love for her and the feeling of family that you created for them, i dont think i have ever read a story quite like this one and feel the family bond. the way they banded to protect Belle if need be from Schwarz was great!Fantastic!

Yes i am very Proud of you! i know i was being insistent abut the spelling and probably a pain in the buitt for it but that one little correction made it that much easier to read this great chapter! thank you!
9/7/2005 c4 9Kojima Ayumi
Eh heh... Yoji or Youji dear~I was wondering who Yugi was~
9/7/2005 c4 11Anendee
I am so happy that you decided to continue tthis fun fic! It's fantastic! now all that is left to work on is spelling and you got it going! that was a cute chapter! little miss Belle is going to be so spoiled!

though, hun, one thing, the way you spell Yohji is killing me. i keep thinking Yugi Yami form Yu-gi-oh. blonde, but not the right one, hehe. i iwll make a deal with you, if you can point out a legitimate source for this spelling i will back off. i am not trying to be mean or anything, so please dont take it that way.

i cant wait fo rht enext chapter!
9/6/2005 c3 9Kojima Ayumi
Hey girl. Doesn't matter how many people review on your story. I still wanna read it and you have my support anytime anywhere! ^.~
9/6/2005 c3 UnKnown2
I really liked ure story! I cheked ure other ones as well and we seem to have the same taste in stories. Would you by any chance like to do some story collaboration with me? We can come up with new ideas. Email me if ure interested its or Im currently working on my first Weiss Kreuz fic.
9/6/2005 c3 xxinotxpiecesxx
I don't think your story was that bad and I didn't see any bad reviews for it so I'm wondering why you said it bombed. As a writer you will ALWAYS have people telling you negative things, the challenge is being able to turn that negativity into something constructive.
8/29/2005 c2 11Anendee
that is just so sweet! even Yohji is pitching in! though i do have a question for you. where did you get the spelling of Yohji's name? i have seen it spelled Yoji, Yohji, and Youji, but never as you have it. but i think this is really cute and it wouldbe a shame to leave it as it is.
8/29/2005 c2 9Kojima Ayumi
Nyah ha. Thanks for reviewing my story again! So now I'm returning the favour. :) Anyway you might wanna change Yougi's name to Yoji instead. Kinda looks/sounds better. :) Or Youji would be fine.

PS: Space out your story a bit. Ppl might complain!(But not me)
8/26/2005 c1 Kojima Ayumi
What's going to happen? (Actually I was ABOUT to the a story(before I've seen yours) based on the guys finding a baby. Can I still do that?)
8/24/2005 c1 11Anendee
very nice, i cant wait to see how Yohji and Ran react to the baby.
8/22/2005 c1 7Yuka Hasumi
Hi hi~ dont worry about getting disses... its interesting and good so far... update soon, ne ^_~
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