Just In
for My Last Chance

5/31/2006 c1 Experimental Angel234

Tina: *Sobbing also* POOR TY-CHAN! *Glomps Tyson*

Alex: *Sweatdrops* I don't think he can breath...anyway the summary was good and the story and song was sad, a real tear jearker, look at the girls.


Alex: It's just a fic...*Runs away from a pissed off E.A*

Tina: *Lets go of Ty and hands Angel Tyson plushie* Enjoy! Ja Ne! Good luck in your future fics!
4/14/2006 c1 Experimental Angel234

Alex: Still upset wiht Oliver and is crying even HARDER becuase of this fic. Anyway, the story and song was good and the summary was nice mabey you can next time not tell us who's going to die to keep the supense pumping?

Me: *Sobbing* That's it! I'm going back home, I'm never coming back! *Packs her things and runs to the airport.*

Alex: E.A! Gotta go! E.A is planning on going back to New York! Ja Ne! TAXI! TO THE AIRPORT AND STEP ON IT!
10/2/2005 c1 3Ryukai-chan
aw... why do you peeple keep doing this to me? killing off the love of kais life?

*sigh* oh well at least he's not truly dead.

great fic keep up the good work.
9/26/2005 c1 15Kai's kitty
you made me cry! I have tears running down my face now!

it was wonderful!
9/14/2005 c1 1I'mAGirlxD
O_O you killed tyson! O.O you did?

anyway, *cries*, the story was... *cries*, sad.
9/12/2005 c1 It and Out - Onee-chan 1 2
O.C. #2 : Kai killed hisself.

Out: Tyson...-tear-


O.C. #1 : -speechless- so...beautiful.

It: I thought you were speechless...
9/4/2005 c1 14The Eternity Dragon

A million words could not bring you back; I know because I tried, A million tears could not bring you back I know because I cried.

*blows nose* that's such a beautiful quote, really, *sniffle* oh, I like the simplicity of this, Kai blushes (: special moment, it's so sad, and the death sequence was...nicely done...omg that is such an evil thing to say! Sorry Tyson, it's not supposed to be nice but you know what I mean!

Does the perspective jump from first person to third person in different sequences? *looks again* aha it does, clever, I really like shot, sad, but sweet!
8/27/2005 c1 16Cryysis
omg... that is so sad! *cries* omg omg omg omg omg omg... please update *cries more* i gtg, laterz!
8/24/2005 c1 30edhel-tarien
aww! You wrote and angst! lol. Nice one! You should drop by my story 'breathe no more'. Bit of a tear jerker they say. But nice story! Keep up the great work!

8/24/2005 c1 3RkR
That was so sad...*sob*I 'm crying right now, that song and that story made me cry.. This was really sad..great job though!
8/24/2005 c1 5Duo's Deathscythe hell
I liked it.I acually cried after reading it.
8/24/2005 c1 5yaoiloverever
Oh my god.

;-; That's so sad! I'm near to crying right now. Poor Tyson, why does he always have to die?

Oh well. Great story, loved the emotion, loved the detail.
8/24/2005 c1 kia
omg. such a tear jerker. i love it. it gave me lots of ideas. such a sad but great story.
8/23/2005 c1 3FirieGurl
aw that was so sad and lovely update it soon
8/23/2005 c1 1Bethylee
aww that was soo sad! although it wasnt for me probly cuz i was listnin to bootilicious by destiny's child... ^^U lol it was a great story tho!
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