Just In
for Flirting For the Socially Inept

9/1/2005 c2 5Violet Spark

Sorry it took me so long to review, life's been absolutely HECTIC lately...

Aren't they just adorable? Well, I mean, isn't he just absolutely adorable, and isn't she the most awkwardly amusing character ever? I repeat: aw...

It's absolutely splenderific, dear, but I noticed a few instances in this last chapter where 'Hufflepuff' was spelled 'Hugglepuff'... I may have to find a way to work that into one of my stories, now... heheh, Hugglepuff...

Can't wait to see how you finish this one out!

Cheers, dear!

8/26/2005 c2 2AmericanBaby
MORE! MORE! MORE! Please, please, please put the next chapter up soon! haha, can you tell that i absolutely adore this fic? i can't wait for their date. and what Lia has to say... dundundun =] my favorite part was "And if I jump off the Astronomy Tower..." very, very creative! sorry it took me so long to review, i was grounded. hopefully i won't have to wait long to review for chapter 3 though!
8/26/2005 c2 sarcastic spastic
this is good! i really like it, and i can't wait to read the final chapter. only thing i can see wrong with it is that you say Hugglepuff instead of Hufflepuff, but seeing as f and g are next to each oher on the keyboard, its reasonable.

hope to see an update soon! next time i sign in i'll put u on my favourites list.
8/26/2005 c1 sarcastic spastic
quite good! i think it'll b a really good story... im just gonna go read the 2nd chapter now..
8/24/2005 c1 AmericanBaby
i'm here to review! but on one condition... bring back the malfoy that just died! hehe just kidding. i really like the idea of your story! aimee acted perfectly- thats how my mind gets when a cute boy comes around! post the next part soon!

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