Just In
for A Christmas Story

8/27/2005 c7 1Princess Random
WEll, I most certainly don't mind that you posted so many at once. It was a we-are-sorry-school-has-already-started-for-you,-here-is-awesome-fanfiction present for me. Yes. I read all six chapters right after school. So you aren't in school quite yet? We started on Thursday. Evil school system. WHOOSH! anyway, awesomeness on the story, guys. Vanessa, I like the way your mind works. Well, awesomeness, update NOW, TA! ...okay, ready, update...NOW! Did it work? No? Dang.
8/26/2005 c6 Princess Random
I LOVE RAMEN! Ramen, ramen, ramen...whoosh! WHEE! Good chappie, I am still slightly concerned about, ya know, the Hiei and Kurama thing. Random is very confuzzled. -_- Oh well. Update soon, TA!
8/26/2005 c2 Princess Random
GOOD LORD! What have you done? Why! Why do it! Why the thing with Kurama and Hiei! Please, please, tell me that was a prank. Oh, please, prank...
8/26/2005 c6 1xXsmanthaXx
cool chappie,









chaos tenshi
8/26/2005 c6 25sausuge
yoko is

Tk: naughty?

me:...uh no..something else...

Tk: hmm...sensual?

me: O_O where in sam hill did you learn that!

kyle (my perverted friend): yo.

me: -hits him on the head- you stupid idiot! Tk is supposed to be pure!

kyle: ha! a part of you? pure? in your dreams!

me: -beats him to a pulp-

kyle: @_@ update soon please...
8/26/2005 c5 sausuge
haha! i laughed in that part of war of the worlds too! ahahahahahahahaha! ...Dakota Fanning is a very scaring looking girl...
8/25/2005 c6 Sonya-White-Angel
wow! you wrote alot. well, they were all good. i cant wait for the next chapters. well, update soon. Ja ne =^_^=
8/25/2005 c2 Shinigami Rise
o.O That was very interesting, but amusing.
8/25/2005 c1 20Neko-Koorime
YAY! You have not managed to quit it on us!
8/25/2005 c2 25sausuge
-shiver- im going to have nightmares...i mean, hiei and kurama being gay AND a huge spider in the same chapters? those are the only things i fear...except for pennies...yeah...-shiver- please update soon...
8/24/2005 c2 2I am Meagan
Ah...poor poor poor poor me...well...i know that something worse is going to happen to me later on...I just don't know what Oo
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