Just In
for Stepping Away

5/14/2008 c2 2ClaceForever1990
love it. update soon, please
8/11/2006 c2 49Jemmasgiirl
post soon please please

It's really good
11/12/2005 c2 15skittlesxrayn
9/24/2005 c2 1JemmaLoVe
wow...i lvoed that love the entire concept of it emma beign manny Jay nto fallign for it...everythign i lvoe it...muah
9/14/2005 c2 grumpybear62684
I love it! I was looking for a different kind of Fan Fiction, and that's exactly what I found! How exactly did Manny die? Or is that a surprise that's going to come later?
9/11/2005 c2 1fluffymello
wow loved it! i hope you turn it into a full blown sotry! or at least a couple more chapters. uh i wanna know what happend to manny! lol
9/11/2005 c2 1Pink Thunder
I think you should have a chapter telling how Manny died i mean it would make more since in telling so. Also use more characters from the show. Also in your story add more flahbacks like if she misses being the old Emma or does she despise it so yea
9/11/2005 c2 2sweet-time
Awesome story! Big fan of Emma and Manny, One question though, How did Manny die? You did not mention how she was killed but said something to do with a gun? Still a great story! A++
9/11/2005 c2 2EmmaJay2gether4ever8
9/10/2005 c2 2IamThunderMonkey
I do like it. Looking forward to more.
9/10/2005 c2 afamily123
It's really good. ADD MORE
9/4/2005 c1 IamThunderMonkey
I really have no critisism for you...this is really well put together. I like the dark side it has. I'll be anticipating the next post for sure. Good job.
8/29/2005 c1 shreya
awsome story keep gonig and i like the whole dark thing going and i really like how u presented jay plz write more soon
8/27/2005 c1 life2me
That was pretty good. I liked it. But could you maybe make the chapters a little longer? Thanks.
8/26/2005 c1 6Lillian Resolve
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