Just In
for Cinderbrat: The True Story

5/4/2007 c1 21Echo Chambers
Again, a great take on the classic story, however, perhaps her step sister should've just given her the clothes and not pretended to be a fairy-godmother. It seems weird, it just kind of stuck out a little bit and on your next piece I suggest more detail because these are getting pretty summary-ish. I love the thoughts though!

4/29/2007 c1 17Darth Tater
I liked the frog prince story better... and don't worry about the long rambling sleep deprived review; it's actually one of the best I've had. I totally know how random it can be finding someone that way. Just a point of interest, are you in band or orchestra?
3/21/2007 c1 2fairydustandcansofspam
I LOVE your review request! "My happiness is just a mouseclick away" Funny! Anyway, you might want to read through this again, yeah, there were some spelling errors and stuff, but, sixth grade, I give you credit. You might want to split the last paragraph up into... wait a minute, let me read through it again... with a little editing of sentences, rewording and other similar (boring) editing techniques, I can see three paragraphs there, maybe four. It's not necessary, but ya know, just in case you want to... Anyway, I love it. I've thought about writing one of these, and you know you don't have to put it on No one knows who wrote Cinderella, so re-tellings with fun twists (of Jack and the Bean Stalk, Cinderella, and Little Red Riding hood, etc) are done all of the time, without those pesky copyright protection people. :D Anyway, good job with this. I never would have come up with quite this much of a twist. I don't thing I could've come up with her fairy godmother twist, so... EXCELLENT!
8/10/2006 c1 9crystallized lace
Eh, good job! you should rewrite it as an entire story and have the stepsister somehow come right before the wedding and see how the cpouple is always fightiing and the prince learns that he hates her and the stepsister falls fro him but he doesnt know. . .

Erm. . . Just an idea! ;)

2/10/2006 c1 abandoningthisaccount2024
HAHAHAHAH! That's awesome! It's so cute! :D
1/26/2006 c1 Wicked.Lovely.Magic
makes sense...

8) haha
9/13/2005 c1 Megha Baikadi
nice. its a good twist to the story. its good as a short monolougue, might do equally well fleshed out a bit as a longer story.
9/5/2005 c1 Aerinha
hehe.. love ur name btw. poor everyone else. i like the tabloid kind of idea. you could really take this and extend it out and make it more narrative as it happened ya know? or have a epilogue kind of story of on the stepsisters trying to gain her life back or something. just some ideas. cute idea!
8/31/2005 c1 109Backroads
Cute cute cute! I had to laugh! Cinderella gets ALL the attention!
8/28/2005 c1 2Elephant Wings
this is really good, and about the grammar and spelling it was fine after the author's note. you should write some more one-shots, they're quick and fun and especially when you already have them written several years previous.

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