Just In
for Rainy Day Romance

1/8/2014 c2 Yeah righttttttt
Wit happend to ASAP bitch?
10/30/2006 c2 3NikaTora
oh continue...the suspence is killing me...oh...i'm just new here know the answer
1/24/2005 c2 yasmine
What on earth have they done in Mimi's kitchen.

It's so fuuny! Besides It's a wonderful story. Don't stop on this story, you have to complete this.
11/7/2004 c2 Angel Kikyou
Kawaii...! i hope i spelled that right
8/23/2004 c2 goldfish demon
update soon plz, lol funny story
8/9/2003 c2 15HugeAnimefan1
This is a great story. You have to update it soon. I mean how come you haven't updated it in 2 years it awsome. I want to know the end. Well please update it. :)
8/8/2003 c2 Edwin
write more this is a interesting

story you have hope you write more

in the futer I want to know what is

going to happen in the next capter!


6/9/2003 c2 sweetstrawberry
loved it
4/30/2003 c2 5Curtis Zidane Ziraa
*blink* *looks at latest update date* AHEM! This is a good story. WHY THE HECK HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED IT IN NEARLY TWO YEARS!
4/30/2003 c2 Curtis Zidane Ziraa
*blink* *looks at latest update date* AHEM! This is a good story. WHY THE HECK HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED IT IN NEARLY TWO YEARS!
10/31/2001 c2 Cute Lil SoraNot Signed In
Gotta Continue Leina! This story is Great!
8/23/2001 c2 angel of life
Oh, please continue. It's just so hilarious and funny. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
7/21/2001 c2 12Sora Ishida1
I absolutly LOVE this story! It's going on my faves! *he he* I hope that there will be LOTS more Michi and LOTS more Sorato (my fave) In the next chapters! LOVE 'em both!
7/11/2001 c2 2Luvydove
lol i luv this story! it's so funny!
6/19/2001 c2 2WillingtheRain
Just what ARE they doing in the kitchen? Chibi Yama and normal Tai: HEY! Cibi Sora and normal Mimi: hehe... Silver Eagle: hehe... Anyway, it's cool! I liked!
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