1/8/2014 c2 Yeah righttttttt
Wit happend to ASAP bitch?
Wit happend to ASAP bitch?
10/30/2006 c2
oh continue...the suspence is killing me...oh...i'm just new here soo...you know the answer

oh continue...the suspence is killing me...oh...i'm just new here soo...you know the answer
1/24/2005 c2 yasmine
What on earth have they done in Mimi's kitchen.
It's so fuuny! Besides It's a wonderful story. Don't stop on this story, you have to complete this.
What on earth have they done in Mimi's kitchen.
It's so fuuny! Besides It's a wonderful story. Don't stop on this story, you have to complete this.
8/23/2004 c2 goldfish demon
update soon plz, lol funny story
update soon plz, lol funny story
8/9/2003 c2
This is a great story. You have to update it soon. I mean how come you haven't updated it in 2 years it awsome. I want to know the end. Well please update it. :)

This is a great story. You have to update it soon. I mean how come you haven't updated it in 2 years it awsome. I want to know the end. Well please update it. :)
8/8/2003 c2 Edwin
write more this is a interesting
story you have hope you write more
in the futer I want to know what is
going to happen in the next capter!
write more this is a interesting
story you have hope you write more
in the futer I want to know what is
going to happen in the next capter!
6/9/2003 c2 sweetstrawberry
loved it
loved it
4/30/2003 c2
5Curtis Zidane Ziraa
*blink* *looks at latest update date* AHEM! This is a good story. WHY THE HECK HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED IT IN NEARLY TWO YEARS!

*blink* *looks at latest update date* AHEM! This is a good story. WHY THE HECK HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED IT IN NEARLY TWO YEARS!
4/30/2003 c2 Curtis Zidane Ziraa
*blink* *looks at latest update date* AHEM! This is a good story. WHY THE HECK HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED IT IN NEARLY TWO YEARS!
*blink* *looks at latest update date* AHEM! This is a good story. WHY THE HECK HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED IT IN NEARLY TWO YEARS!
10/31/2001 c2 Cute Lil SoraNot Signed In
Gotta Continue Leina! This story is Great!
Gotta Continue Leina! This story is Great!
8/23/2001 c2 angel of life
Oh, please continue. It's just so hilarious and funny. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
Oh, please continue. It's just so hilarious and funny. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
7/21/2001 c2
12Sora Ishida1
I absolutly LOVE this story! It's going on my faves! *he he* I hope that there will be LOTS more Michi and LOTS more Sorato (my fave) In the next chapters! LOVE 'em both!

I absolutly LOVE this story! It's going on my faves! *he he* I hope that there will be LOTS more Michi and LOTS more Sorato (my fave) In the next chapters! LOVE 'em both!
6/19/2001 c2
Just what ARE they doing in the kitchen? Chibi Yama and normal Tai: HEY! Cibi Sora and normal Mimi: hehe... Silver Eagle: hehe... Anyway, it's cool! I liked!

Just what ARE they doing in the kitchen? Chibi Yama and normal Tai: HEY! Cibi Sora and normal Mimi: hehe... Silver Eagle: hehe... Anyway, it's cool! I liked!