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for KamiSama Punishes Nabiki and Then Some

10/30/2022 c12 Guest
When do we see more
8/13/2022 c7 Guest
Rumiko Takahashi should’ve toned her blind misandry down.
11/20/2016 c12 shugokage
Thanks for the interesting story!
10/13/2015 c12 3maryjane5000
Please say your gonna update this wanna know wat happens next

Like does Ranma return home or continue his training trip?

Like does Ranma have some kind of mark that only Nabiki, Belldandy & Skuld can see?

Was there temporal difference between where he was & (I guess) the present?

Do his enemies get recruited by the senshi's bad guy or demons/demoness?

Will he & Nabiki have to deal with Urd?
1/31/2015 c12 Guest
Oh PLEASE UPDATE this NEEDS to be continued
2/9/2014 c11 Lamorak Korving
I find it rather amusing, and slightly ironic, that Ranma Saotome, who is scared of
cats, should receive help in curing him of his ailurophobia by none other than
Bastet, the Goddess of cats.
2/9/2014 c10 Lamorak Korving
I really don't think Nabiki and Ranma would work out very well. In fact, and I believe
I have said this before, I think the best match-up for Ranma is Hotaru. As for who
else I think Ranma might got on well with is Urd, because they are both tough
cookies whose attitude is more or less "I-don't-take-shit-from-anyone".
2/9/2014 c9 Lamorak Korving
Setsuna is too cryptic with her replies most of the time, and Rei Hino, also known
as Sailor Mars, is too fierce. Minako and Makoto are too boy-crazy for Ranma to be
comfortable around them, and whilst Ami Mizuno, a.k.a. Sailor Mercury, is highly
intelligent, Ranma is not all that smart, and would probably make him extremely
uncomfortable. But Hotaru Tomoe, alias Sailor Saturn, would most likely make an ideal
person to match Ranma up with.
2/9/2014 c8 Lamorak Korving
Of all the Tendo sisters for Ranma to marry, I have always preferred Kasumi over
Nabiki or Akane. If you want to know why, I'll tell you. Nabiki Tendo has always
been a scheming, manipulative, money-grabbing bitch. And Akane? Akane is even
worse. She's no martial artist, she's an excessively violent, man-hating, delusional
psychopathic fool with the belief that she's better than Ranma! As if! She'll NEVER
be as good as Ranma. It wouldn't surprise me if she is revealed to be a lesbian!
2/9/2014 c7 Lamorak Korving
It is nice to see Akane finally admit to what is basically her own fault, and to see
Ranma and Sailor Saturn-who are both misunderstood lonely individuals finally finding
happiness in each other's company. I hope Ryoga finally realizes that most of his
problems have nothing to do with Ranma, but knowing Ryoga Hibiki, I think it is
highly unlikely that he will admit he is at fault.
2/9/2014 c3 Lamorak Korving
It is nice to see Nabiki Tendo finally getting punished by Kami-
sama, especially as most of her money-making schemes are
downright criminal, since she resorts to blackmail, bribery, coercion and intimidation-very serious criminal activities that
could easily land Nabiki in jail. This it is a very fitting and
humane punishment she has been given. But will she learn
her lesson? Well, in the words of the Seventh Doctor, "Time
will tell. It always does".
12/8/2011 c11 5Nysk
Heh. Nice to see Ranma getting some training. I look forward to learning more about what happened and what will happen to Ranma
12/8/2011 c2 Nysk
Please continue this tale... pleaseeeeeeeee
6/12/2011 c12 1Raynze76
Great story am saddened that it was not completed or ever updated
6/1/2011 c12 6FaerieKnight197
Will this be continuing? Please don't let it end here.
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