Just In
for A Walk to Remember

3/22/2006 c1 1EmeraldShadows
I love a Walk to Remember! Great story!
3/20/2006 c11 FictionFun19
Hey?Where is the Chapter 12...Im sorry.But i told you that you only message me when the next chapter is up.Im not going to pressure you to do it asap but please update.I think i have a idea for the chapter...Message me asap...(I may forget my idea)...Just update pls! :)
3/15/2006 c10 FictionFun19
I loved it!...Even though some lines are from "A Walk To Remember"...Its story is almost the same...I know this is getting hermione sick or something in this story?

Email me when the next chapter is up!
1/25/2006 c10 elemile
aww! love this chapter too!
1/10/2006 c10 8Kaitylyn
I love the story. Its very well written. Please update as soon as humanly possible!
1/9/2006 c10 6realfanficts
Sorry I didn't review for so long-I was busy and distracted. Anyway, keep up the good work!
1/6/2006 c10 Hades Daughter
wahoo, two new chapters for me to read. i had to reread the story cause i haven't read it in a while and i still enjoy it. i love the movie, and this is going quite well. i wonder since ron's dad is a healer, if he's seen hermione about her condition yet. or maybe not. can't wait for the next chapter.
1/2/2006 c10 8Ms. Jessie
i...REALLY...REALLY...LOVE...THIS STORY! "YEAH! you updated SO FAST! I am so happy! YEAH! anyway, Great chapter, like usual. VERY good chapter, loved the way you explained how Ron's dad left! EXCELLENT!
1/2/2006 c10 10Avanell
Once again, please don't let her die...someone else did that in a similar story and I ended up HATING IT! Do something different...after all, they are wizards and witches. Overall, LOVE the story.
1/2/2006 c10 18Vannessa Hillstead
Such an awesome story, I love it!
1/2/2006 c2 3Hermione-Leia Skywalker-Potter
Wow, i just read some of your reviews jess reviewed, i didnt know she read FF. does she have an account, if so and u send it to me plz thnx
1/2/2006 c9 Hermione-Leia Skywalker-Potter
yeah, it's really good, I loved how they just started dancing. It was so cute
1/1/2006 c9 Emilie

this story is so cute! I love it!
1/1/2006 c9 ThE-bOrEd-OnEs
My comp is finally fixed and i got to read up on the stories. Still really like it. I figures that that's probably how Ron's parents would act if they were slyth and not gryff. Keep up the good work and happy new years.
12/31/2005 c9 8Ms. Jessie
I LOVED IT! it was wonderful, like usual! WOW! It was great, all i can say is brilliant work and UPDATE SOON!
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