Just In
for These Stone Walls

10/3/2022 c5 Guest
Poor Rowena and Salazar. At lease Godric and Helga’s parents were understanding of their personalities.
1/19/2010 c5 51breeutiful
Poor Salazar. He was born into evil and practically threatened to be against all of those who don't have pureblood. :)
1/19/2010 c4 breeutiful
For some reason, this reminded me of Matilda. Just because of her obsession with reading. :) I love that the father has a soft spot for her because she's different to her sisters. :)
1/19/2010 c3 breeutiful
I've always held a soft spot for Helga - I don't know why. This was super cute. :)
1/19/2010 c2 breeutiful
Very cute portrayal of Godric Gryffindor! I like the whole "my little lion cub" thing because it ends up being the crest for Gryffindor. xD
1/19/2010 c1 breeutiful
I really enjoy reading Founder stories so I can't wait to get on to the next chapter. :)
1/2/2010 c5 20DancingWithRoses
I really like this and I hope you continue with it! Wow... I never imagined that something like that would happen but not that I think about it it seems highly probable. THis is very very good and I didn't notice and grammar, spelling, etc. mistakes.

Happy Writing!

11/17/2009 c5 4AmaranthineWhisper
To think that you started writing this story your junior year... I'm happy that you've finally got a background for each of the founding four. And I appreciate the slight nod to your paper-bloodying friends- you should keep writing if you have the time.
8/2/2009 c5 7Silverone3
Poor Sal!

*Sorry about the late review, I'm living w/o accessible internet. (ick)
7/7/2009 c5 4EternalEcho
I like it! Short but meaningful.
2/26/2009 c1 SinfulAngel26
HA! Finally. I swear fanfiction doesn't like me at times. Anyway. What do I say? It's nice to see you writing again, Ms.Raven and of course,I remember you! I love how you display the founders of the children, especially Rowena. You highlight the charastics of each of them quite well. Keep up the updates and I'll try to keep up the reviews!

2/25/2009 c4 EternalEcho
I think Rowena might be my favorite, and I like her chapter! I like her father... "it's a shame I forgot to punish you" hehe. Looking forward to Salazar!
2/20/2009 c3 7Silverone3
one of your old faithfuls right here. glad your back.
2/20/2009 c3 4EternalEcho
Hooray for bring back a story that was put on hiatus almost four years ago! Wow...

I like the premise of this story, and I like the details you give about the founders as children. I think by the time you're done they will each have a character of their own that we never really got from the books.

I hardly remember what to write for a fanfic review...

Keep writing!
4/30/2008 c2 4AmaranthineWhisper
I remember this! We edited these in pre-calc when we weren't eating paper or practicing our forgery! What happened to the other founders' stories? I know you wrote more than just this one. I'm going to start another fanfic when school gets out I think.


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