Just In
for These Stone Walls

10/7/2005 c2 FirstDaysOfSummer
great job! seriously, this sounds really good, but longer chapter please! :D. ive only read one other founders story than this, and its really good. this story was recommended to me by your friend EternalEcho, and really is as good as she said it was. you dont have as many reviews as you deserve! great job again and update soon!

10/4/2005 c2 19Rubber-duckiesofdoom

My beta, Eternal Echo, has finally gotten me to stop being so lazy and finally read this story - which i keep on meaning to.

This is a really awsome story - and I'm really excited to see it develop!

Good luck!

Until my next review... adeu!

10/3/2005 c2 moonlightwitch
I'm not going to say 'Good job' or anything like that because I say it too much so I shall say, Keep writing! Oh yeah and I'm sick. Nothing to do...

9/29/2005 c2 11amythestpony
Oh, mysterious! I like it, keep updating cause i think I'm hooked!
9/28/2005 c2 4Those Who Matter Don't Mind
Woot! New chapter! Yay! Update soon please...That was very good!
9/27/2005 c2 4EternalEcho
Yay! I'm so happy to be a part of the editing trio. And we will continue to make your writing bloody as long as you want us to. I think this chapter definitely captures the general tone of Godric's childhood. Can't wait for Helga's chapter! -Echo
9/27/2005 c2 justakid93450945
I laughed at that last line, very cute. You've definitely outdone yourself from your last version. It's short, but really, really good, kudos also to the friends with the red pens.
9/26/2005 c1 justakid93450945
So I was looking for the original story, and then I was all spazzing out because I couldn't find it... and then I realized you made it a whole different story! Yup, I'm really slow these days, I blame high school.

But onto the more important thing- the story! It was short, but effective all the same, very chilling. I can't wait to see where you go from here, so I know it can get annoying to hear- but update soon! :D
9/22/2005 c1 moonlightwitch
Yey! New version of story! Boo! for being sick...damn sickness...anywho...long time Yeah, there we go. I like this prologue better, in all honesty. It sets a good mood for the sotry. Wel back to coughing up my guts(Not a good thought, I know.) or sneezing like a

9/21/2005 c1 13jessa faerie
cant wait! saving to fav's.! xoxoxo
9/21/2005 c1 Pauli
I think your beginning is very cool. great with the braces, congrats. keep going, i'll check back
9/21/2005 c1 Ginny-W13
This story looks like it will be great! I can't wait to read it!
9/21/2005 c1 2Dream Phantom
Sounds interesting so far.
9/21/2005 c1 4Those Who Matter Don't Mind
Oh...I've been looking for one of these! (And yay for the Green Day concert I'm going to next week! *Mad dancing*.) I am very eager to read your next chapter...
9/21/2005 c1 7Shinebright-Starlight
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