Just In
for These Stone Walls

9/21/2005 c1 11amythestpony
congrats on getting your braces off! (Don't your teeth feel all smooth and stuff? Mine did) Any hoo! THis is a great start just update soon, and you'll get more reviews, and we all know REview's are a girl's best friend! (diamonds, cookies, gold, and chocoalte too!)
9/21/2005 c1 Crazy-Physco
9/21/2005 c1 4EternalEcho
You did what I suggested! I think it will definitely work out better this way. But you just took the old version off... that's ok. Those reviews were for the old version anyway. This is most definitley a wonderful prologue. If I had never read any of the story and I read this, I would definitely want to read the rest. lys, Echo
9/21/2005 c1 2Deb-lil
Very nice prologue! I enjoyed it. I haven't read the old version , so this is all new to me. Keep on updating, please!


P.S congrats on the removal of your braces!
9/21/2005 c1 3the mystical voice from up above
the prologue is really good carry the story on like that and the story will be great
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