Just In
for Finally Free

2/6/2013 c3 19The Xatu Ghostshipper
so far so good please continue
3/10/2011 c2 devillious
this is good do more of these
1/3/2010 c3 XY83YSyt7
i like this story and would love to see what happens, now that this chapters changes everything!
7/20/2008 c3 Kyle Graziano
Well, if it means anything, I think its awesome! I hope you write more! Love you, Kyle:P
8/19/2007 c3 5Anime 300
pretty interesting ^^ Can't wait to read the rest ^^
10/25/2006 c3 4Rave the Wolf
omg it took you forever to update... YAY! YOU DID FINALLY!
4/13/2006 c3 Katya
It's interesting, because I *heart* Gary. Ash is okay, Misty rules the world. (I HATE May. Bratty little ditz...)
11/22/2005 c2 3Sleeping Wolf
come on! this rocks! update!
11/22/2005 c1 Sleeping Wolf
why arent you updating!
10/24/2005 c3 Sleeping Wolf
suckie! did you say suckie? whats your problem! this rocks! update soon ok!
10/19/2005 c3 20o-dragon
wow! Your story rox!

how old is the girl again?

I'm thinking of writing my own story in this cat. would you read some?

10/19/2005 c2 o-dragon
i like this. I'm a little outta date on all the names since i havent watched the show in some time, but i really like this. please keep going.

oh, and you're not a bad writer.


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