Just In
for Learning to Hold You

2/12/2018 c1 Guest
I cannot understand this.
4/9/2010 c1 6Kelsiee

you had a nice idea for this fic,

it was pretty good,

keep up the good work :)
4/23/2006 c1 37Nyago
Squee, that was so cute XD Very nicely written, although there was a part I got lost...where you introduce Pansy with Draco, I was a bit lost there for a minute. But other than that, it was nice.

3/3/2006 c1 japjen
This is really good. Are you going to update it?
12/3/2005 c1 12345M6789
It wouldn't be fair NOT to give you a review, it was really well-written. I like it alot! =)
11/13/2005 c1 20Honeycups
I can't believe I've missed this one! Why didn't you tell me? Anyways, it's great. You've captured the strange relationship they're doomed to have, (in my opinion) You've surely seen it in the dare, I can't have them being all goody-goody around each other. But enough about my story, this is yours, and I really like the converstions and their interaction, and the ending, of course. Keep On!
10/10/2005 c1 Tanelle
Liked your story. Loved the humour and bantering. You have skill keep it up!.
10/9/2005 c1 6Nyah1
Really cute :)
10/9/2005 c1 21eliana-moran
i really liked it. very nice.
10/9/2005 c1 JuzElizabeth
it was a good story, bit confusing but interesting

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