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11/6/2013 c4 Skeletens
uf...a good one...shame, that theres no more fics like these...
7/29/2010 c4 27Black Silken Rose
I must say, I'm fairly new to fanfiction, but I do vehemently love your story. This chapter (4) in particular. Really, the smut is perfect, beautiful, just enough to leave a happy reader that craves more. Which leads me to my question: will you continue this one? I really love it, and I know its from 2006, but its just so wonderful...

Well, if you have any advice to someone new to this "type" of writing (fanfiction, that is, not yaoi) it is much appreciated. Keep writing more jewels like this!

Black Silken Rose
7/10/2010 c4 kurofailover
i looove it! you have to write another chapter!smutsmutsmut!hahaha
7/2/2010 c4 1Bottan
Heh, well done. Liked it. *pervert me* x3
7/2/2010 c3 Bottan
"Kurogane's words to him more terse than simply bored, his looks more piercing and honest. And longer. And more often. And in this place there was no civility or regard between them. Or between Kurogane and the world. Fai liked Kurogane like this, all emotion and illogic."

Her really seems to have fallen in love.

"Fai watched him and realized he was protecting him. Fai let him."

Heh, I like that scenery. :3

Great, great story. I liked how heavy and dark this one came out. It really felt desperate and lonely, messy and empty. The set-up was beautiful, I love these dark bars and dim lights and hollow streets. It came wonderfully together. It also gave a very distinctive not in the least fluffy feeling to the bodily contact, like I always think it should. Fai and Kurogane have both seen so much in their lifes that I sometimes can't help but roll my eyes at the carefree fluff that I read mostly. This felt much more real, tangible and somehow appropriate. I really really loved this. Thanks for writing and sharing!
7/2/2010 c1 Bottan
Oh, wow. Fai, that voyeur... xD' Enjoyed it a lot! :D
4/17/2009 c4 cakewalk
Love you

It would be cool if you continued this - otherwise I'll just check your gallery :) nice one!
6/30/2008 c4 1Ren Spencer
3/4/2008 c4 xAnonx
Ah yes, the old wall ploy:)

I lvoed this! At least they FINALLY stopped being in denial.

Good job!
1/1/2008 c4 1Allis Em
This was adorable and cute and angsty and amazing all at the same time. I loved it. Please tell me you plan on writing more. -begs-
6/27/2007 c4 Lilith81
i loved it!
12/25/2006 c4 KiraMitsukai
o.o I freakin' Luv it, reaaly! Love the story, love the way you write it, love their interaction (is this spelled right? XD), and very much love the very-well-written smut.

Do go on with it. ^^

By the way, you just got me out of a very fool mood with this fic. Thanks! XD
11/16/2006 c4 Dr Schreaber
absolutely wonderful! I love how they don't *say* anything outright to each other, but so much is implied :D. and again, the worlds they're in are beautifully described in their sleaziness ^_^. It would be great to see this updated!
10/17/2006 c4 Yorae-chan
10/1/2006 c4 11joviality
Oh my God, that was hot.

head fell back revealing yet more pale neck-skin for Kurogane to feast on through the last of his own pleasure.

Have you been catching the recent manga chpaters? The above sound like what Fai would do to Kurogane instead, heh.

I'll look forward to your next chapt =)
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