Just In
for We're Not Here Right Now

5/29/2009 c5 2Khelek-sul Renai
Aw, Poor Yuan... I hope you got your ring back!

I like Kratos' message... And you'd better listen to Genis' advise about Raine, Yuan!

Good luck in evading the Wrath of Sheena, Zelos! You'll need it!

I would've loved to see Zelos' Altessa Machine messages... I bet there are numerous ones from Sheena there! And Sheena's would have been fun to read too...

Well written! Fun read! Will you ever continue this?
5/29/2009 c4 Khelek-sul Renai
So THAT's why Welgaia Department store is closed...

How did Colette find Cruxis number, anyway?

Message 1 is my favorite!

Wonderfully written! Next chapter for me!
5/29/2009 c3 Khelek-sul Renai
Those recordings are hilarious! Good luck Genis on keeping Raine from making the recording worse!

Good luck Sheena on finding Zelos!

Yay for Linar's message! That was just awesome to see and read...

Next chapter for me!
5/29/2009 c2 Khelek-sul Renai
Poor Guys in Uniform... Yuan's message is very amusing.

Colette, you've already managed to break this? I hope Lloyd fixes it soon.

Well written! Onward for me.
5/29/2009 c1 Khelek-sul Renai
*grins, highly amused* Dirk-a-phone? Altessa Machine? I like the names.

Well written. Onward for me.
2/8/2008 c5 39Lady Starwing
-is laughing hysterically- MAN! The yggi one was the funniest! but the Yuan one was good as well! Losing his ring down the sink...Yep. I can see him getting ticked over that. -goes back to laughing-
9/16/2007 c5 crystalwolfberri
HAHAHA! XD they're soo funny! pleaz continue, i kno it's been a while but i reali wanna see if sheena will ever catch zelos n what will happen with yggy's pj's n everything! but anyway, thank you for this story, n pleaz update!
8/1/2007 c5 Anonymous1029384756
This has got to be the funniest fanfic I've ever read. I've been laughing nonstop for the last ten minutes. -cough- I hope you continue!
6/25/2006 c5 starry
This is hilarioud! I love the part about the spandex one-piece pajamas. You should make an answering machine for some Desian leaders, like Pronyma or Kvar.
6/24/2006 c1 GenisSageAceAttourney
I agree with one of the first reviews, It's just like Marzipan's Answering Macine on Is that the Idea?
6/7/2006 c4 Francis Ettlesby
Very nice, they're quite funny.
4/24/2006 c4 20Anime Psychologist
You do not know how funny that was for me (brust out laughing) Colette, especially. Anyways, I'm wondering if there's going to be more. Please update :-)
3/12/2006 c4 5firafaer
Hehe. These are pretty good. Um... I just had a question for you. Are you going to do Zelos' or Presea's answering machines?
2/24/2006 c4 27Rose-Wisteria
Hahahahaha that was hilarious! I don't usually read humor but this was too hard to miss now that I found it. That Yggdrasill chapter was awesome... wonderfully creative with the Spandex One Piece Pajamas. I only wish you had put more of the Desians in it beside Pronyma! Haha, maybe the Elder of Heimdall? He would be like "damn you!" Haha, sorry for that.

I can't wait for Zelos's chapter though ever since Raine wanted to steal his! Why? I can imagine him now... one of those "hunks" who give off his phone number to all the women he knows. There would be an overwhelming number of messages from his groupies, the elves who didn't like to be hit on, Sheena (of course), the King and the Pope, cooks complaining about making him too much food, nervous anoynmous messages (from his sister Seles), random women he flirt with, Pronyma?, Yuan and Yggdrasill (since he is a traitor working with these two), and much more.

And for other characters like Regal, there are endless possibilities. Regal, for once, people dealing with bridges, people dealing with mines, The Wonder Chef?, Genis threatening for Presea, prisoners who had to share his food in prison...?, etc. ^_^ Your fics gave me full of ideas- thank you so much!
2/5/2006 c4 5Psycho Colette
+dies of happyness+ Wah~! This makes me very happy, yes it does! I do hope you update again soon! Hm...I really must update my ToS story...

DarkColette: If you value your life, you will.

H.Kagome: Excuse you? I'll update when-

D. Colette: +prepares to cast Judgment+

H.Kagome: ...right away, miss. +starts writing+
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