Just In
for Stargazing

1/28/2013 c1 17Starblaze and Solaris
Touching. I like the way you've portrayed their friendship, and the idea of their mouths running away with them. I spotted a typo, but overall it's sweet, really.
By the way, you get this review for the bit of the summary about being brutal.
3/18/2008 c1 3Slytherins Kick ASS
This was sweet. I didn't want to read it at first, because firsties are usually lameies, but I liked this a lot.
11/24/2005 c1 14Ron Weasley
You write well, with the exception of some minor language errors.

That was good.


10/16/2005 c1 9Katlyn
Aw, pretty.
10/16/2005 c1 6hydraspit
Cute. Sorry, but I'm not going to be brutal. There isn't anything in this story to be brutal over (besides a few minor gramatical problems involving verb tenses).

I can't believe you don't have any more reviews for this. This is a great story and well worth a read. I love how I can see everything so well, the two of them lying in the grass, looking up at the stars. And the dialoge between them was really realistic and well done.

All in all a very good read. :D

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