Just In
for Hoofin' It With Pirates

9/20/2012 c10 4XxMika-Uchiha-luv-AkatsukixX
LOL! you put the cagage man! I LOVE YOU! platonicly of caurs!
9/3/2012 c23 Miss Puddel
Oh I loved this, the craziness and the tendernes hand in hand, brilliant!
1/29/2008 c23 MentalChipmunk
w00t! i luv it!

you should write a sequel!

*hint hint* *wink wink*

you really capture jack really well

and i lke the "new" commedor ;)
5/15/2007 c1 19Miss Quartermain
Ha! Go Amy! drive Jack insane!
11/22/2006 c7 Nay Nay Gurlli
Well, I just face-planted after I jumped across the isle:0 Emmy came home and I suck at playing the guatar. I also almost hit Jane in the face because I was really mad at her. Livvy (our new puppy because well you know what happened) is hurt and I haked G.I. today:) no homework, no homework, Yea:) Sorry, I love to do that. Loved the story. Reply to me.

11/20/2006 c6 Nay Nay Gurlli
Oh...and, my mom's gonna get me either a digital camera or a DVD maker thing to help me with my tacking pictures habbit and so I can record a lizard shooting blood out of it's eyes (it's cool yet gross) I Miss Roxee:( I'm crying about her right now, too. That,s why I'm wrighting to you also because I saw your home page an it's just plane strange.

11/20/2006 c5 Nay Nay Gurlli
I cain't thank od anythang to say accepct this:

I LOVED your story...Cain't wait for the sequil. Oh yah...Jane hit me in the back of the head.

11/19/2006 c3 Nay Nay Gurlli
I loved your story, though my life stinx.I read that a kitten died at the age of 5 months and cats are my favorite animal other than horses. Anyway...I won the c-ships in soccer yesterday:)

11/17/2006 c2 Caroline
Sweet, Peace out:)

-Caroline (A.K.A Jane's lil sis)
11/12/2006 c1 lbsarah
Loved your story it was really great and funny.
11/6/2006 c1 Cracken's Nightmare
Sweet story! Yall are the best writer I've ever heard of.

Peace out:)
9/22/2006 c23 Kay
AH! I CANT WAIT ONE YEAR! ARE YOU KIDDING! (*btw: i know i'm not one of those constant readers, but...*) Just PLEASE write more! (*and another big BTW: you'd better thank Authoressinhiding for this review, do we say...directed this story...*) AI! hidalgo! (*hums bonanza*) okay...random...but you've driven me insane by saying a year...pickles...

9/19/2006 c23 2ScottishFaerie
AWESOMENESS! i love cheese, jack sparrow and horsies. i am full of randomness and have(or so i like to think) multiple personalities. love your work! write more!
9/17/2006 c23 12obbits14
I’m thinking that most of the cast be made up or know you personally, thankee fer including me in yer credits.
9/17/2006 c23 Molly
I hate BIG anoying cliff hangers. I had writers block and i read ur story and now i dont! Thanks! see ya soon (sortish)
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