Just In
for Halloween Havoc

12/26/2005 c7 8sarah chandler
wow amazing story i loved it...i lvoe how harry wished them to tell their feelings thats my favourite part

12/26/2005 c7 1jessibuggy
os! *is so excited.* you know it's so wierd... not bieng in school today... lol. can you belive it? only two more weeks until no more Eggers... kinda sad, becuase i won't see you anymore! *pouts*
12/26/2005 c7 LarantiaPotter
I loved it! That was so awesome...Harry should be Proffesor Sprout...Write sequel for next Halloween!
12/26/2005 c7 EmyTheGreat1725
hey that was a really good story
12/26/2005 c7 dancerrdw
i liked the last 2 chpaters but it did not allow me to review for them so i liked them...aww man i wish it was not over but oh well it had to come to an end but i cant wait till you write again
12/25/2005 c6 jessibuggy
HOLY CATS! i LOVED it! it was so great! can't wait for your next chappie. *sits and waits* have you read mine yet?
12/25/2005 c6 14Emma-Lynn
hahaha that was halarious! i looved harry! haha, i was literally laughing out loud! And it was so entirely cute too! Loed it to no end! Great job! Update soon!

12/25/2005 c6 7PrincessAmy-and-Blueberry
I love this story so much. It is so good. Is that the end? I hope not. Happy Holidays!
12/25/2005 c3 13Hydra-Star
Please forgive me for what I'm about to say, especially considering that I didn't even get through the entre thing, but it really feels to me as if your making it seem like the only way that Hermione could get a guy to like her is if she dressed like a slut. And that's the thing I love about Hermione/Ron. Neither of them are particurally attractive and they don't need to be. I don't see why people feel like they need to make Hermione beautiful to make someone fall in love with her. Didn't you ever think that someone might just like her for who she is? Again, I'm sorry about being mean, but it's true. Next time you write a Ron/Hermione fic, don't try to make Hermione into something she isn't.
12/25/2005 c6 notorrious
haha! i luv!
12/6/2005 c6 2Doodle033
12/6/2005 c6 8sarah chandler
ok...your forgiven...jt hurry k?
12/5/2005 c6 Anjuali
You have an Awesome Story! I love it! In fact, I think I'll even add it to my favorites!

12/4/2005 c6 dancerrdw
its ok hope u update soon and you have more time
12/4/2005 c6 theressomethingmissing
Keep updating, please!
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