Just In
for Halloween Havoc

11/13/2005 c5 4TheLovelyNatalieRose
Cry cry cry. WAH! It *sob* isn't *hic* fair! You have 45 reviews for just 5 chapters, and my story has 6 chapters and only 10 reviews! 1 of the 10 reviews is from me and another is from my friend, and like 6 are from the same person, and the other two are from different people. Nice story, though.
11/13/2005 c5 8sarah chandler
hey...i know i can't wiat till the harry potter movie comes out...i'm soo excited! anyways i love your story...i can't wait to read the next chapter..please get it up soon!
11/13/2005 c5 ShuShakinUp
11/13/2005 c5 11sns1323
update! woot i love it!
11/13/2005 c5 HogwartFan16
I really like the story, I think Hermiones costume was a great idea! I can't wait to find out what happens between Ron and Hermione! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
11/13/2005 c5 dancerrdw
awesoem chapter and hope u dont fall asleep in class and hope the movie is good when you ssee it but i hope u update soon
11/11/2005 c4 1Rimrose Swifteye
Really good story, it's funny and cute, interesting costume for Hermione. I really like your story, i hope you write another few chapters for it.
11/10/2005 c4 theressomethingmissing
oh, so close! but great work, I loved it! Keep updating
11/9/2005 c4 9EyesOfBlue1993
SO CUTE! This story is adorable! Hermione getting too much attention! lol! THEY ALMOST KISSED! :o Ginny must you have the worst timing in the world? lol! Anyway, update as soon as you can!

Lots of love!

11/8/2005 c4 6rivillie
You should now. :) Love the story.
11/7/2005 c4 6LunaSoleil07
evil evil person! how could you? oh right, you can because you are the author and have all the power in this fanfic. drats. ah well. um, quick question: will there be a hallowe'en feast or party or somesuch, perhaps? because, if there were - more ron/mione snogging opportunites! yay!

update when you can, m'dear.

blessed be,

11/6/2005 c4 3luckyducky8200
hey! aww poor hermione and ron, lol, this is so good :) i can't wait for the next chapter :) update soon :)
11/6/2005 c4 LongLegs564
damn ginny! lol yes imma hope that hte next chappie they will!

11/6/2005 c4 sarah09
omg...i love this story it's like the best i've ever read...please write the next chapter soon,...i con't wait to read ot :)

11/6/2005 c4 letter to hermione
why! WHY! why did she come at a time like this! they were about to was going so well! aww I guess I'll have to wait for the next chapter..
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