2/11/2007 c1 1freshair41nce
that really would explain a lot. like if j.k. herself where writing it! lol
that really would explain a lot. like if j.k. herself where writing it! lol
2/9/2007 c1 6Ron Lover6789
Okay, so this story didn't really have anything of your own in it. But it was a really good base for a cutesy romance story. You should keep going. Just try to add in original thoughts, feelings and scenes to make it more interesting.
Okay, so this story didn't really have anything of your own in it. But it was a really good base for a cutesy romance story. You should keep going. Just try to add in original thoughts, feelings and scenes to make it more interesting.
2/10/2006 c1 2LilliesOfTheValley
aw gosh i hated the Ron Lavender thing. ug. i mean come on! its Hermione! gosh. I love Ron, though... sigh. oh sorry. please contiue, if that wasnt a one shot :-)
aw gosh i hated the Ron Lavender thing. ug. i mean come on! its Hermione! gosh. I love Ron, though... sigh. oh sorry. please contiue, if that wasnt a one shot :-)
12/16/2005 c1 10M.S. Dae
AWW! Ron can be such a butt nugget sometimes...well, if you plan to update, I plan to read!
AWW! Ron can be such a butt nugget sometimes...well, if you plan to update, I plan to read!
11/1/2005 c1 Gag Hafrunt
This isn't a story at all. It's very brief synopsis of parts of HBP written in a very stilted style. We already know all this as we all read the book. I would recommend that you actually sit down and take the time to decide what you want to write. I don't know what you intended to accomplish.
This isn't a story at all. It's very brief synopsis of parts of HBP written in a very stilted style. We already know all this as we all read the book. I would recommend that you actually sit down and take the time to decide what you want to write. I don't know what you intended to accomplish.
10/31/2005 c1 2ronownsmysoul
good style and writing! this story stuck really close to the HBP storyline-try and expand on some original ideas! but yea for your first fic!
good style and writing! this story stuck really close to the HBP storyline-try and expand on some original ideas! but yea for your first fic!