Just In
for Why do we always fight?

2/11/2007 c1 1freshair41nce
that really would explain a lot. like if j.k. herself where writing it! lol
2/9/2007 c1 6Ron Lover6789
Okay, so this story didn't really have anything of your own in it. But it was a really good base for a cutesy romance story. You should keep going. Just try to add in original thoughts, feelings and scenes to make it more interesting.
2/10/2006 c1 2LilliesOfTheValley
aw gosh i hated the Ron Lavender thing. ug. i mean come on! its Hermione! gosh. I love Ron, though... sigh. oh sorry. please contiue, if that wasnt a one shot :-)
12/16/2005 c1 10M.S. Dae
AWW! Ron can be such a butt nugget sometimes...well, if you plan to update, I plan to read!

11/1/2005 c1 Gag Hafrunt
This isn't a story at all. It's very brief synopsis of parts of HBP written in a very stilted style. We already know all this as we all read the book. I would recommend that you actually sit down and take the time to decide what you want to write. I don't know what you intended to accomplish.
10/31/2005 c1 2ronownsmysoul
good style and writing! this story stuck really close to the HBP storyline-try and expand on some original ideas! but yea for your first fic!
10/31/2005 c1 theressomethingmissing
pretty good. you have good grammar and writing skills.

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