Just In
for These Dreams

6/15/2007 c9 connieewing
wow keep it up I want to read more.
12/18/2005 c7 10I am a band geek here me roar
Why do you space out the word 'to' like tat?
12/18/2005 c3 skkygirl
kinda random in a way. cool.
12/18/2005 c2 skkygirl
funny. funny. F-U-N-N-Y!1
12/18/2005 c1 skkygirl
pretty interesting so far.
12/18/2005 c7 4WheatGerm14
It was cute..not bad!
12/18/2005 c7 3The-Real-James-Potter
12/17/2005 c7 theressomethingmissing
WHAT? Ok, that was a little too far there, but I suppose that it was better than all the other moments in the story to have it. But now Hermione will probably get pregnant and they'll probably get married! Ok then...anyway good work and keep updating!
11/19/2005 c2 4october tuscany
ahh. i'd probably be scarred for life...
11/18/2005 c6 10bruisedpapaya
Pretty good, I'll keep reading if you keep updating.

~Go see Harry Potter,Today am a typing advertisement!~
11/17/2005 c6 theressomethingmissing
That was really nice! I love the whole thing, especially the plot and everything. However, some of the scene/conversation changes are a bit confusing. Anyway, great work, and keep updating!

Also, it would be really great if you checked out my story, Hermione's Thoughts, because I only have 4 reviews. Thanks!
11/17/2005 c6 27Briee
oh very good!
11/17/2005 c6 1prima-dana
Sweet! Keep it up!
11/13/2005 c4 2HermioneRox1357
This is really really good! I think the bits when Hermione is talking to Ginny and Ron is talking to Harry are brilliant. You've really managed to capture the thoughts of the two charecters. Good luck and keep writing!
11/13/2005 c4 1prima-dana
totaly great! keep up the ron hermione fluff!
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