Just In
for Fate

4/1/2006 c12 58RavenclawGenius
you can't quit the story! I love it too much! Please keep updating!
4/1/2006 c12 3SilverFireflies
that was so short !

why wold you do that, you meanie !:(

hope u update soon, cuz u have to anwer a LOT of cuestions ! hahaha

no, i luv the way this fic is coming together, but the chapter was REALLY short, u have to make them longer !

lots of luv,


4/1/2006 c12 2GinnyGINvampire00 aka Evon
Done after next chapter? Sad! This is such a good story!

I beg of you to reconsider, but if not, and someone else takes it over, then please anounce who. I'd be really interested to see the rest of this plot.

Thanks for writing.

3/30/2006 c11 kimstagram
You SERIOUSLY have to update...FAST this is such a cool story I
3/25/2006 c11 slytheringrl17
i like it..update soon
3/23/2006 c11 12345M6789
What was in the paper that got Draco so upset? Was it like an article, searching for Draco&Ginny as a couple? Putting them together so the DeathEaters would THINK that Ginny was with Draco? Okay Im confused. Hmm...Poor Arthur, thinking his baby girl was dead. And to find out she's alive, well and MARRIED to Draco freaking Malfoy. Poor poor Arthur. *afterthought* and Ron.
3/23/2006 c11 7Flipinpenname
ur next chapter best be very soon! lol! i love this story! update soon!
3/23/2006 c11 2GinnyGINvampire00 aka Evon
Hey, really interesting chapter, again. I love how you incorporate the flashbacks and modern time. It makes for a great flow.

Thanks for writing, can't wait for an update!

3/23/2006 c11 50poweroverbirds
The next chapter better be up soon! I need to know what happens next!

Update soon.
3/23/2006 c11 4shadieladie
ok but they must have taken their wands with then?
3/23/2006 c11 darkmalfoy
o i love it. please update soon!
3/23/2006 c11 2ContessaNatasha
Great new chapter, will review more in detail later
3/16/2006 c10 7Flipinpenname
dude! i love blaise hes so great! i love the story too! update soon!
3/15/2006 c10 slytheringrl17
i like it a lot update soon...please
3/14/2006 c10 2ContessaNatasha
Great new chapter, you may not know where it is headed, but wherever it is, its fabulous! Keep it up, update soon, and feature lots of my beloved Draco! Well done!
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