Just In
for Fate

2/16/2006 c5 4Ksasera Aditi
Im sorry hun but this chapter was a little confusing. Are Harry and Hermoine together? Do they have kids? Who are they talking to in the alley? Anyway, Other than those tiny little mistakes, I am enjoying this story, I also loved The Dare. Keep the good work up. :D
2/8/2006 c1 Shayndel
good firts chap , i real realy like it
2/8/2006 c2 7LillianLockhart
Fantabulous. ^_^

Although it was short and had a few more grammatical errors than the prelude, it was still well written and very interesting. I like your work.

2/8/2006 c1 LillianLockhart
Nice prelude! So they eloped, eh? Interesting. There were only a few grammatical errors here and there, but only enough for a grammar nazi to notice/care about (Hehe). Well done.

2/8/2006 c8 13peridotdream

I liked this chapter! it was cute. Why are their names Granger, though, instead of Potter? just curious. Can't wait to see what you do with the Weasley clan! :) good luck

2/8/2006 c8 4shadieladie
a photo oh! do tell?
1/23/2006 c7 2GinnyGINvampire00 aka Evon
I really like this story so far. I can't wait to see how it comes along. It's really really interesting.

By the way, at the begining of your story I thought it had said 10 years... but the rest of the time it's said 12... I dont know if I got it wrong or not.

Anyway, can't wait for an update.

Thanks for writing

1/14/2006 c7 Tanelle
Love your story. The pace is great.
1/9/2006 c7 2squirrel-wrath
how ironic! lol update soon tis good
1/8/2006 c7 3JakiMisery
wow! harry and hermione? i should have known! great story so far! later!
1/7/2006 c7 10StarrCat
So Harry still loves Ginny in a way and will admit that to Hermione but he has Hermione's children? Can't wait for the next chapter though, maybe it'll make meh less confused :)
1/7/2006 c7 3Dracoginnylover24
Can't wait to read the next chapter! good Luck! :)
1/7/2006 c1 2HeyyBabyy
1/7/2006 c7 4shadieladie
im confussed did Hr and HP have 2 sets of twins?
1/7/2006 c1 The Lady of the Four Leafed Clover
This is really excellent, and you have the feel of a great, well-written piece in here. However, there were, I believe, a few errors such as "besides Harry" which ought to be "beside Harry" and "waterproof" which I think ought be "foolproof." Nice prelude ;)
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