Just In
for He got the Girl

11/5/2005 c1 1Hylle
I think you should writ another chapter... I really liked this one, but I don't feel like it's finished, so I think you should write some more.
11/4/2005 c1 soph
that is so cute. it got really sappy there, but it is good.
11/3/2005 c1 AliasAddictDC
Ahh! I love it, if you have ideas you should continue it. I too love the Cory pairing.
11/3/2005 c1 4lackinglime123
It was a good chapter. It would be great if you wrote another chapter but if you don't want to you don't have to.
11/3/2005 c1 1princetongirl
loved it sequel
11/3/2005 c1 37cosmopolitan
well im not really a cory type more of a rogan but i gotta give u props its really cool and original
11/3/2005 c1 11KeitaWolf
Wow, that was fast paced... but I enjoyed it.

Nice work!
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