Just In
for The 08th MS Team in the Cosmic Era

2/19/2022 c3 Guest
I really hope that the long period of time that this story has not been updated is just a sign of writers block.
Please update this story as soon as you can.
Have a great day.
4/1/2021 c3 Guest
Like this story very much.
Please keep writing chapters for it.
5/2/2013 c3 zero
no chapter 4 yet?
6/30/2011 c1 68Ron the True Fan
Well, seeing as I love this story and it's premise, I will honor it by creating a story based on it. It's a damn shame, though.
1/2/2010 c3 Vandenbz
Any idea when you will be able to update? It's been a long time since your last update but this story is very interesting. I can't wait for what developments will happen next.
11/18/2009 c3 13Takeshi Yamato
Very interesting story! :D

Update soon, please! :D
10/25/2009 c3 8Knightwolf1875
The 08TH and the Junk Guild? Now that's the purfect pair of teams. Please, update soon.
4/22/2009 c3 22steinerdavion2183
Hey there dude, thanks for reviewing my story. I must say that your story is an interesting one and I look forward to reading more of this. Update please... I think those people who have subscribed to this story will feel the same way.
1/23/2008 c3 3kamikage86
I like this story I am wondering when it will be updated?
12/1/2007 c3 20CSS Stravag
Oh my, the problem writ large and right in front of them: they definitely ain't in Kansas no more.

Love how the ZAFT GINN units definitely weren't able to handle the RX-79 Mass pro Gundams, that seems like it would follow since the Gundams are bad joss for Zeon, and they use bigger guns. Also love the close-and-assault tactic, seemed like it was a good way to shock to stillness and sort out the GINNs.

Astray SEED, I'm going to enjoy this. I've read everything short of X Astray from the Original SEED Astray group, and I've been thinking hard about getting the X Astray series. This may be motivation to invest in them :P

Keep 'em coming, comrade, and Sieg Zeon. I eagerly await any and all updates. Also, as stated in another review, it won't hurt to move this one to the GS/GSD area, probably get you better reads and more reviews.
12/1/2007 c2 CSS Stravag
Rock on!

Looks like Aina and the 8th Team got off on the right foot, that's good joss for once. I think the 8th got screwed over many a time in its duties, but they all managed to survive in the end. Not bad at all.

I have only one complaint, with you sandwiching speech lines together in one paragraph following conversations is difficult but not impossible. Break them out into separate paragraphs would make it infinitely easier to follow, thx.

Personally, I was always an Anahiem Electronics fan, especially when they play both sides of the Fed-Zeon war. But still, Sieg Zeon, they just don't give up and I respect that.

Onward to the next chapter, comrade...
12/1/2007 c1 CSS Stravag
I read this one a long time ago, so I think a review is due to ye for one helluva premise.

Evil, evil Einstein, leaving his lousy Chronospheres all over the place, bad joss. Something always gets sucked from one wrong place to the next. It is good that Ghinias got his just desserts in the end, crushed in by the fist of the EZ-8. More's the better, he was the wrong type of villain for my tastes. Only problem is, the 8th Team wins, and still loses in the effect radius of the Chronosphere.

Onward to the next chapter, comrade...
11/28/2007 c3 1FraserMage
Yes, Please continue this and changing it over to Gundam SEED section probably would be a good idea. Other then this, Having the 08th MS Team Crew running into the Minerva would be a decent idea.

I can almost imagine them at the battle of the Loenghrin Gate sniping the Cannon with those 180mm Cannons the Ground Gundams haul around.
9/27/2007 c3 backlash5
please update soon, don't let this story die.
5/2/2007 c3 31Deathzealot
About time! Anyways a great chapter and I hope the next is coming alot sooner.
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