8/5/2006 c16
Your series is so good, that I read this entire part two in one day. That is scary...I just love your stories. They are so realistic, from how the plot line goes to the characters. The story itself is so intericit, I can't stop reading. There always seems to be new twists and turns to your plot line. You have such a talent for writting. Awesome Job.

Your series is so good, that I read this entire part two in one day. That is scary...I just love your stories. They are so realistic, from how the plot line goes to the characters. The story itself is so intericit, I can't stop reading. There always seems to be new twists and turns to your plot line. You have such a talent for writting. Awesome Job.
12/13/2005 c16
OMG! eVERYONE THINK SHES DEAD! NOW IM GONNA READ THE SEAQUEL! I emember that in one of the chaps u mentiones that there was a reason harry was gone, that his time had come, whats it? GREAT BTW

OMG! eVERYONE THINK SHES DEAD! NOW IM GONNA READ THE SEAQUEL! I emember that in one of the chaps u mentiones that there was a reason harry was gone, that his time had come, whats it? GREAT BTW
12/13/2005 c16 omgthisisembarrassing
Hey great story. *click, tiki adding u to her favorites* Bye Hey know anybody who needs a beta?
Hey great story. *click, tiki adding u to her favorites* Bye Hey know anybody who needs a beta?
12/10/2005 c16 jkris2
awesome story so far! LOVE IT! have you started writing "long road home" yet? cant wait!
awesome story so far! LOVE IT! have you started writing "long road home" yet? cant wait!
12/10/2005 c1 Stella9876
Hey! i'v not read this chapter yet but i just read ur profile and u said that one of ur favorite plays was middsummer's night dream. I've danced ballet since i was 2, now im 15 years old and every year we do a show, and the theme of this year was that play! well, now im gonna read this chap,
Hey! i'v not read this chapter yet but i just read ur profile and u said that one of ur favorite plays was middsummer's night dream. I've danced ballet since i was 2, now im 15 years old and every year we do a show, and the theme of this year was that play! well, now im gonna read this chap,
12/8/2005 c16 marajade64
I can't believe you ended it there...but I will be reading part 3...need to know what will happen..keep up the good work:)
I can't believe you ended it there...but I will be reading part 3...need to know what will happen..keep up the good work:)
12/8/2005 c16 FaNfIcTiOnFrEaK16
wow. lol. this chapter made me cry a lot. true, it isa cliffhanger, but a really good one. cant wait for the next installment. this series is so great.
wow. lol. this chapter made me cry a lot. true, it isa cliffhanger, but a really good one. cant wait for the next installment. this series is so great.
12/8/2005 c16 Applekissis
This story was good...
Veryy OOc..lol
Loved the baby name...
Long Road Home...here I come
This story was good...
Veryy OOc..lol
Loved the baby name...
Long Road Home...here I come
12/2/2005 c12
Totally awesome although I thought Hermione would still be a bit pissed off about them bringing up Harry and how they didn't help but it was still fantastic!

Totally awesome although I thought Hermione would still be a bit pissed off about them bringing up Harry and how they didn't help but it was still fantastic!
11/30/2005 c12 marajade64
so that explains the daughters of osiris..still a good chapter..hope it doesn't take too long to update.:) and good luck with the move.
so that explains the daughters of osiris..still a good chapter..hope it doesn't take too long to update.:) and good luck with the move.
11/30/2005 c12 Applekissis
That was a pretty good chapter,not one of my faves..lol,but it was still good..Hope all is well with u and ur family and the up and coming move..Be safe!
That was a pretty good chapter,not one of my faves..lol,but it was still good..Hope all is well with u and ur family and the up and coming move..Be safe!