Just In
for Daughters of Osiris

11/28/2005 c11 lovesickmemories
love this update soon...
11/28/2005 c11 twirlergurl09
Great chapter! Absolutely loved it can't wait to read wat happens next so plz update really soon!
11/28/2005 c11 marajade64
wow..lot of action in this chapter..I really like this story..not stop action and story..keep up the good work:)
11/28/2005 c11 2iluv2dance
Very good and very cool! I so can't wait for more chapters!
11/27/2005 c11 FaNfIcTiOnFrEaK16
An update! but you left us hanging again! o well thanks for finding time to update! great as always! can't wait for the next chapter!
11/27/2005 c11 Applekissis
Not one of my fave chapters,but it was still good. Cant wait for an update
11/26/2005 c10 Piper Halliwell91990
I LOVE YOUR STORIES! I'm glad you are updating as much as you can. I will wait NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES YOU TO UPDATE! I will keep checking on it.
11/26/2005 c10 twirlergurl09
Wow! Loved this chapter so much i cried! Plz don't scare me like that again i thought that they weren't going to get back together there for a moment i was like NO! But then...yea so i'm happy now but i still want to see what goes on during the battle so plz update soon!
11/26/2005 c10 marajade64
another good chapter..can't wait to see what happens in the manor...keep up the good work:)
11/26/2005 c10 FaNfIcTiOnFrEaK16
omg i hope u can update soon! i love this so much! i've read all of this and kindred spirits in the last three days and im in love with it! i always thought that hermione and draco were such an unlikely pair but you've totally made me love them together! i hope u can figure out ur computer situation soon because i really want to continue reading! but ill finish this story no matter how long i have to wait for the next chapter. well this is great and cant wait for more!
11/25/2005 c4 FaNfIcTiOnFrEaK16
i just started the first part of this series, kindred spirits yesterday and finished it tonight. it was so great! lol amazing!excellent!lol dont know how else to describe it. well im only on chap 4 of part two now and im not sure if uve already decided on a name for the baby yet in one of the later chapters already but heres my vote anyway in case u havent decided yet - natalia jade malfoy
11/25/2005 c9 marajade64
Interesting dream..what could happen..another great chapter..update soon:)
11/25/2005 c8 marajade64
great chapter..can't believe she left him..keep up the good work:)
11/24/2005 c9 Piper Halliwell91990
11/24/2005 c8 2Lady Underworld
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