Just In
for Love and Jealousy

8/6/2018 c6 December Jeffries1
sad you didn't finish
10/14/2017 c6 Guest
4/11/2013 c6 Aurore
I want you come back this story please !
7/1/2010 c6 JJsMommy27
You should finish this story you were doing a really good job on it so please update it soon and i hope that Rory picks Tristan
7/16/2007 c6 emch
No more? It's a shame, 'cause I was enjoying the interaction between Rory and Tristan. But all in all, a good job.
4/14/2006 c6 3central-gurl101
2/24/2006 c6 1northernmoon
Hey, i just found this story and I love it.

Finn is hilarious and Logan well...too funny!

On a more serious note...I really liked Rory's insight earlier in the story about how Logan has stolen her "specialness" and maybe Tristan can help her find it again. I really like that theme.

Rebecca (northernmoon)
2/23/2006 c1 65theonlyxception
100th review says...

Update now, update now! I'll catch up eventually when I'm not so tired. I did however love the first chapter :D
2/11/2006 c6 6softly descending
Update? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
2/1/2006 c6 1princetongirl
loved it update soon
1/30/2006 c6 Festis7
This was a good one. can't believe I missed it before. I thought I read all the new Rogan ones. (This might not end a Rogan but I hope it will. Looking forward to read about Rory's and Logan's next meeting and to hear his apollogise.
1/30/2006 c6 Hcrobe0
I really hope she ends up with Tristan in this story. I'm just not attracted to the way Logan is portrayed here. Actually, wouldn't mind seeing this turn into a Tristan/Rory/Finn story. Any chances of that?
1/30/2006 c6 Mamashirl
she needs to let Logan go
1/29/2006 c6 7A. Mulholland
Hey, 'Be My Escape' is a Relient K song! My Escape... 'Be My Escape' same difference, right?
1/29/2006 c6 26Gilmoregirl7878
update son

i cant wait for logan and ROry to talk!
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