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5/12/2023 c1 berooooo
Ron would NEVER call hermione that. Its like a white person calling their black person crush the nword.
4/26/2008 c4 hararo
Damn! I really wanted to know what happened next! How could you? Jokes!

I can't wait to read the next chapters keep up the good work!
4/25/2008 c1 hararo
I liked it. When are you going to update next?
1/28/2008 c3 Annonymous
Great imagination. Spice things up even more by having Draco like Hermoine; maybe some sweet romantic schemes. Hermoine feeling broken and falls for Draco. Meanwhile Harry confronts Ron about his feelings for Hermoine and the two of them decide to go after the girls. Then Hermoine has to choose between the two boys OR Ron has to put himself out there in an awkward scene with everyone and tells her his feelings. Well...Just my ideas of where the story could go.
8/13/2007 c4 4prettyfairy
I like it, it's a new idea. please update soon.

p.s. thanks for reading my stories. I hope you read (and review) my new story The Truth About the Malfoys.
4/20/2007 c4 3sightoftheshore
This story has a good start- I hope you haven't abandoned it! You have very good grammar,spelling,and sentence structure-makes this fic a whole lot easier to read! Keep Writing!
3/4/2007 c1 xxBoleyn
ew, that wasnt very nice of him,

it's pretty good so far :D
10/20/2006 c4 26Ski000Girl
Well i love this story and why haven't you updated since March? Please update
5/26/2006 c4 24beccithenerd
your story is really good so far, i cant wait to see what happens next!
4/25/2006 c4 Lilfifix3x3
OMG I ned 2 kno whats gonna happen! please hurry and update!
3/23/2006 c4 1Ginny Wazlib
AH! I wanna know what happens! please update soon!
3/22/2006 c4 8sarah chandler
ok your forgiven i hope yuo had fun...just add more ASAP!

3/21/2006 c4 8Kaitylyn
I hope that jet leg goes away :( that flight sounds like it lasted a long time. Anyways, please update when you can, this story is REALLY good.

3/20/2006 c4 dancerrdw
thats cool hope u update as soon as you can
2/21/2006 c3 1EmeraldShadows
I like where this is going. A couple of things that bug me, though:

1. In the end of the chapter, who screamed? I'm a little confused.

2. Again, I don't think it's entirely necessary to put what people wrote in reviews. It's right there. This little thing kind of irks me.

I apologize if I sound abrupt. This isn't meant to be a flame, just a couple of honest comments.

Do update soon, though. I'm very much enjoying reading this!
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