Just In
for Beautiful Monster

7/12/2009 c1 3Devilishduck
OMG - Wahh! - I'm so used to the traditional one, where everyone's all compassionate xD

But - I like it :D
6/2/2007 c1 hopedream10
Delicious stuff! Thanks so much, for good stories like this. Le sigh...
7/19/2006 c2 Emerald Enchantress
Wow. This is a gr8 story! I hope to see another chapter soon ;)
4/25/2006 c2 Helena
I am liking this man. Tres cool.

How about either John, Jeremy, or Tobias?

Or even Aloysius, for a name I've never seen used at all?
3/21/2006 c2 4Quixoticisms


Nice story you've got here; UPDATE!

Anyway, as for the name of the price; how about Ramon, Damien, or Lucien? Or Clayton, Royce, or Stefan? (Those three from Judith Macnaught's Books :))

Once again; UPDATE!
1/7/2006 c2 Eve
Let's see...names. Zane? Mark? Ryan? I don't know what kind of name you're looking for but...James or Cole or Ben? Um...Sean or Seth? I hope these help but if not whatever name you choose will be great! Nice job and keep the chapters coming.
12/14/2005 c1 Kates
PS! About names!

Marius is a nice is Asander...but I'm drawing blanks. Any name you choose will be perfect, I'm sure. But I thought I'd give a suggestion or two, if it helps.
12/14/2005 c2 Kates
YES! More Beauty and the Beast fan fic!

Suffice it to say, we haven't seen any truly GOOD incarnations of the Beauty and the Beast story in quite a long while here-and none that are regularly updated. I'm very impressed and delighted with this story! You have a fine eye for detail, and your writing is quite exquisite; very "period". It reminds me of the Wuthering Heights, in a way...

Anyhow, I hope that you will be adding more soon! I particularly like how your heroine is more of a realistic figure-always a refreshing thing to see after the run-of-the-mill perfect princesses! And there will be WEREWOLVES? Oh...count me in.

12/14/2005 c1 Misti
Alejandro; Jared; Richard, Asher

Whatever the name of your prince, I'm looking forward to reading about him!
12/13/2005 c2 kirstie
hm hows about... Aaron? or Peter... I like peter. Or did you want a more exotic name? in which case how about Aidan or Phelan (means wolf... which would be cool if he is associated with the wolves.)

any who, good story so far again. I'm starting to get the idea that Mr. Naughton isn't the beast that turns into the prince. He is just an awful beast that should be... slaped. :) Write more please!
12/13/2005 c2 19Gigi the Dancer
How about Raoul... it sounds spanish and pretty. or um...

Etienne...or Antoine...Giovanni...Gustave? or Gaston? That's a cute one...

Good luck.

i like your story.

Update soon!


Oo. How about Chretien?
12/13/2005 c2 6angel-tears-16
It was good really i'm becoming addicted to this story and we're only to the second chapter!
12/13/2005 c2 10GAKDragonMCB
Well, what region is this?

Good start, by the way. I'm still waiting for the good parts, though.
12/5/2005 c1 Lizette
Well so far so good, but I think you'll have to post more so I can form a truly honest opinion.HINT!
11/26/2005 c1 6angel-tears-16
beautiful well done much applause to you.
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