Just In
for Love Means Never Having to TimeTravel

7/6/2024 c18 Pink Diamonds
I am starting to love this pairing and it's my third favourite but my absolute favourite being Regimione and always totally will be. But canon wise I could see Hermione with either of the Weasley twins, but at the moment I am going down Fremione rabbit hole.
In this I could definitely see Fremione working as a couple more than Hinny, because Fred and Hermione were friends and had more interactions and gradually fell in love with each other, but Harry and Ginny weren't friends, hardly any interactions with one another and after he defeats Voldemort he notices her. Ginny has been interested and thrown herself at Harry since she was a little girl, which seems so wrong. Whereas Hermione has never threw herself at Fred even as friends so their relationship and marriage is believable. Even James and Lily was more believable than Harry and Ginny. Harry and Ginny have only been together a month and they are talking about marriage, but I suppose he wants to be like his father and marry a redhead and who looks like his mother. So Harry and Ginny would be like second coming of James and Lily.

I love how mature Fred was regards to Severus and how he and Hermione became good friends with Snape. But I especially loved how they named him godfather to their baby girl. Fred honestly was such a beautiful and perfect husband to Hermione and how much he spoilt her. I love the names of their twins Felicity Helen Weasley and Benjamin Arthur Weasley. Just perfect.
10/13/2023 c18 tammielou
I loved it! Thank you for the humorous, joyful and exquisite story in which I did so enjoy each character.
Your forever fan;
10/15/2022 c18 Clark959
Fun story. Enjoyed the humor.
3/21/2022 c18 6ShadowAngel100
This is adorable!
3/16/2022 c9 Neekah
I actually expected him to react much worse to hearing his Mya in pain! She’s lucky he didn’t let loose with serious jinxes and hexes and such on the students! She should have been angry because he abandoned his partner.
12/9/2021 c18 Guest
I loved this story! You did a great job taking the time travel thing and really making it your own. I love your take on the characters and especially like the Severus/Hermione relationship and how you had her bring the subtle good parts of his character to life. I also loved the way you really made Mya (love the name!) and Greg into your own characters while staying true to Hermione and Fred. I loved the relationship they had with the teachers and students, especially the marauders and Lily. It was really sweet when Mya danced with all the students at the ball and Greg too. I also loved the flowers Greg gave on Valentine's day! I also love the little details you throw in there like some of Dumbledore's quirks. All in all, I think you can tell I just really loved the story as a whole. It was really well written!
10/19/2021 c18 Guest
Você já pensou em escrever uma sobre a visão do Snape com thonks e tudo mais ? Seria interessante com a sua escrita
10/19/2021 c18 Guest
Obrigada por escrever e finalizar essa história
10/19/2021 c17 Guest
Eu amei tanto isso o que você fez com cada personagem como lidou com as situações S2
10/19/2021 c18 Guest
Essa foi tão cativante, divertida e incrível.
Eu realmente não entrei com ideia de que ia gostar tanto dessa fica .
Parabéns e obrigada
8/5/2021 c18 25Sorceress of Magic
That was so sweet!
4/14/2021 c18 26W. L. O'Fallon
Cute... Though I think your middle names. We're off hahah, and I really enjoyed Fred Hermione relations
11/10/2020 c18 5kalisfandomstories1004
AWWWW this is such a wonderful story, and it had the cutest ending! I loved it! I really enjoyed how you wrote Snape's character, with him and Hermione having a friendship. And Fred and Hermione fluff was beautiful!
11/6/2020 c18 Nad19
awwww it was fantastic! so cute so sweet~ I love your version of sevvie too! thanks!
11/6/2020 c18 Nad19
this is so funny I swear! she got sevvie wrapped around her little finger
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